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Lacey Paxton

Feeling powerful and pleased with yourself, as though for just a few perfect moments, everything is right.. Like finally the pieces of your life have begun to fall into place.. It feels like this could actually be where you belong.. You snuggle close into his chest, closing your eyes with a relaxed sigh..

Ace gently strokes your hair, humming a quiet melody that has you entranced, dozing in and out feeling safe in his arms..

When he finally speaks, some ten or so minutes later, you aren't sure if you are dreaming the soft rumbling words, because they are so right.. "Hmm, you fit in my arms just right, Baby-doll.. I don't want to ever let you go.."

You giggle as fizzy bubbles of elation rise in your chest like a shaken soda can..

Nuzzling deeper into the crook of his neck, kissing his stubbled, salty-sweet skin you purr in agreement.. "Mmm.. I could stay like this forever.."


The sound of a message notification pinging your phone twice from the kitchen counter catches your attention, reminding you that a world outside your warm cocoon still exists..

He chuckles as you sit up with a groan.. "Hm.. Apparently not.. Someone's looking for ya.."

You smile wriggling yourself across to climb from his lap.. "Oh, um.. It's probably Kirby wondering how my night is going.."

You jump up, padding over to the kitchen grabbing your phone before crossing back to sit beside him as he fixes his zipper and buttons his jeans.. "Yeah?.. Does she know you're here.. Uh.. With me?"

You shake your head and your bangs slip out from behind your ears to fall over your eyes.. "No.. Um.. I was supposed to be meeting some people from med-school uptown for drinks.. Kirby kind of insisted that I go.. I was on my way there when I got your message.."

Something like disappointment, or maybe irritation - you aren't entirely sure which - flashes across his handsome face.. "Ah, right.. So then, Hunter has no idea that you came to see me tonight?.."

He sounds almost hurt as a sudden tense energy zips through the air between you both and your pulse picks up speed under his piercing ice-blue gaze.. "Um.. No.. I don't think so.. I mean, Colt has been following me, so its possible.. But--"

He huffs out a long breath.. "So what, Doll?.. You want me to lie to him? Keep more secrets?.. .. Cus' I dunno if I can keep doing that, Lacey.."

You put your phone down beside you, turning to him.. "Wait.. You--You actually WANT to tell him?"

He shifts, narrowing his striking glacial eyes on you, confused.. "I've got no problem telling him about us, Lacey.. I'm fully prepared for him to shoot me for it too.." He smirks confidently and you can't help the smile that pulls at your lips.. "But I think we need to be the ones to tell him, cus' If he finds out some other way.."

He gives you a look that says 'it'll only make it worse..'

"Okay.. So.. Hypothetically, let's say I agree.. What exactly would I be telling him?.. I mean.. What is this?"

He takes your hands tugging you closer.. "Well.. I know that I want to keep seeing you.. Whenever I can.."

You tip your head.. "You mean, like-- dating?"

He grins.. "If that's what you wanna call it, yeah.."

You nod with a playful smile as you pick up your phone.. "Then I guess that's what I will tell him.. But you're going to have to be there when I do.. If he has a heart attack I'll need a good medical assistant, and I know you've got the stomach.."

Leather & Lace- THE SPECTER SERIES [book five]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum