Chapter Two

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 I would be lying if I said I wasn't amused by the situation presented to me. Essentially, a kid that has some serious tech expertise accidentally texts me and now even Stark can't find out who this kid is or even where his signal trances to. The kid had rerouted his signal all across the country, so we don't even know if he lives in New York or not. The kid's invisible!

It makes it almost impossible to find him and it's incredibly frustrating for someone like me, an international spy. Essentially the only way to get any information is if the kid allows us to see it.

I'm not the only one getting frustrated: I can tell not being able to hack a child's firewall is eating away at Stark. He's examined every part of the coding, looking for a weak spot and all he found was a trapdoor that led to a note saying: "Nice try old man, muahahahah!"

Needless to say, Tony wasn't very happy.

I, however, had to hold back a laugh.


To say Clint was suspicious would be an understatement. He had never seen Tony and Natasha talk this much at one time, especially three days in a row. Not to mention, they wouldn't even tell anyone what they were talking about, they'd talk in hushed whispers away from everyone else and Clint had had enough.

He was going to get to the bottom of this.

While Natasha was with Stark in his lab, Clint decided to poke around on Nat's computer to find out why she's been spending so much time on it. I open it up and the first thing I see is her messages. I looked around until a new number under the label "kid" caught my eye. I looked through the texts and burst out laughing.

Natasha Romanoff, master spy and assassin, outsmarted by a kid!

By this point, I'm rolling on the floor, holding my stomach, trying to get air in through my hysterics. I had almost calmed down by the time I realized that Stark had probably been trying to find this kid too.

Oh, I need to meet this kid!

I pulled out my phone and put the kid's number in before getting the hell out of there before Nat comes back and kills me for snooping in her room.



Hey, is this the kid?


If random people don't stop texting me, I will start hacking phones!


This is a Stark phone kid, no one can hack this




Wait, you can actually hack this phone?

Prove it.



Give me five minutes.


Peter rolled his eyes, stepping away from his prototype web grenades, plopping down into his rolly chair, and sliding up to his computer.

He would usually have been a little nicer, but he didn't like being interrupted while he was working.

Once he was inside the phone he turned on the camera and audio. Turning on his voice changer, Peter decided to say hello.

"Hello, Mr. Hawkeye, sir."

Clint went bug-eyed in the camera, seeming to process exactly what was happening. Soon a grin broke out on the archer's face as he looked down at the screen from what appeared to be a random hallway.

"I believe I won our bet, sir. I've also hacked into the camera, so I can see you. And you might want to start running: Ms. Romanoff is behind you and she seems to be quite angry."

Clint's eyes widened again, this time in obvious fear. His figure froze for a millisecond, almost afraid to turn around. When Clint turned and caught sight of the furious redhead, Peter had to turn off the microphone as his laughter boomed throughout his lab.

Clint had taken off running at full speed, terrified screaming echoing, camera shaking rapidly, he moved his arms around like a mad man that just escaped an asylum.

Peter's laughter grew louder as Natasha tackled Clint to the floor and Clint's screams grew louder as she dragged him away, phone left abandoned on the floor.

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