Chapter Five

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"'Oh boy?'" Fury repeated. "What do you mean 'oh boy?'" Fury's eye narrowed in suspicion as he leaned over the table towards me. Maria silently left the room, not wanting any part of this.

"Haha, umm... Funny story about that." I hadn't exactly told Uncle Fury about what I had done, and by exactly, I mean- at all. It didn't even cross my mind that I should tell him until now. I leaned back in my chair, avoiding eye contact with him. I scratched the back of my neck, nerves creeping up on me, making me anxious.

"Parker, what did you do?"

I made the mistake of glancing over and I was now trapped.

"So, Ned got his number changed, and I may have put it in my phone wrong and I may have texted Miss Romanoff by accident." I said all in one breath before continuing to spew my guts.

"Then she tried to hack my phone, but when she couldn't she had Mr. Stark try to hack it. He got really annoyed when he couldn't and he's been looking for an opening for the past three days. Also Mr. Barton got nosey and stole my number from Miss Romanoff's computer and has been texting me, he even added me to the Avenger's group chat." I took a deep breath, almost turning red from lack of air after talking so fast.

"Let me get this straight: You texted one of the Avengers by accident. Stark couldn't hack you and has now become obsessed. Meanwhile Barton gets curious and went off the deep end by adding you to the Avengers' personal group chat and you now have all their personal phone numbers?"

"That about sums it up, yeah."

"And all this shit happened because you texted the wrong number?"

"Pretty much."

Then Nick Fury did something that would absolutely stun anyone that worked with him, except me. Loud booming laughter shook his entire body, having to grab onto the table to keep upright. This went on for a couple minutes, new bursts of laughter sprouting out every time I thought he was almost done. I had to bow my head in order to hide my embarrassment, refusing to look at anything but the table.

Maria once told me I was the only one who could make him laugh as loud as he does, although it's usually at my expense. Probably because I always seem to get myself into the weirdest situations: becoming friends with deadpool being one of them.

"Only you Parker, only you." His chuckles lessened until a serious look overtook his face.

"Do you plan on telling them who you are?"

"I wasn't exactly planning on it."

"Then what were you planning on?"

"I figured they'd probably lose interest eventually once they realized they weren't going to find out who I am."

"...Bitch, that is the stupidest idea I've ever heard."

I pushed away from the table in exasperation. "Then tell me what I'm doing wrong, oh great master of texting." If I was standing, I would have mockingly bowed at him.

    "If I know Barton and Stark, they don't let things go. They're going to keep texting you until you let something slip."

"Are you saying that I should block the Avengers?"

"No. In fact, I'm saying quite the opposite."

I paused, turning over my Uncle's words. "Are you saying you want me to tell them who I am?"

"No, don't let out any personal information, but I do want you to let them get to know you." Fury looked off to the side, an idea obviously running through his head.

"Why do I get the feeling that you're planning something?"

All I got was a smirk in return.

"You have your orders Agent Parker, go inform your team. I will inform Romanoff to meet you at the quinjet tomorrow afternoon." And with a satisfied half-smile gracing his usually stern features, he walked out.

Wrong Number, KidWhere stories live. Discover now