Chapter Fifteen

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"I think we all know why we're here today." Peter stood at the front of the conference room with Tony, Pepper, Natasha and Fury seated at the table in front of him. Behind Peter was a projector that was turned off and a banner hanging from the ceiling that said "intervention."

"No we don't, kid." Tony stated bluntly. Peter elected to ignore him.

"It's come to everyone's attention that there's been some disagreement over who gets to spend time with me."

Flashbacks run through all their minds of various times the other Avengers had complained that they were hogging Peter: Clint whining loudly only to be quieted by a threatening glare from Natasha, Peter trying to bond with Bruce over science only to be dragged away by Tony because he was feeling jealous, Steve and Bucky had tried inviting Peter on a run with them only for Pepper and Fury to start fighting over whether Peter was spending the day at SI or SHIELD.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Tony stated, avoiding eye contact.

Natasha remained silent, but she did bite the corner of her lip, showing she was thinking over what Peter had said.

Pepper had the decency to look a little guilty, unlike the others, but she also stayed silent.

Fury on the other hand did not.

"We both know I've been training you to take over for me, Parker. Despite your energy, I doubt even you could manage taking care of two organizations at once. So, what's it going to be, Parker? SI or SHIELD? Keep in mind, I found you first." Fury sent a small smug look Pepper's way as she visibly bristled and glared at him.

"Okay, first of all, you didn't find me, I found you, so don't even go there. Second of all, who says I'm going to take over for either of you? Fury, we both know you have Coulson and Maria to take over for you. And Pepper has been taking me to a lot of meetings lately, but that doesn't mean she's making me the heir of SI or anything."

There was a long pause after that as Peter and Pepper shared a few looks between them and a shoulder shrug, silently communicating. Peter's eyes widened as a brief pulse of panic jolted up his spine.


"Did you really think that I was just taking you to meetings for fun, Pete?"

"Kind of, yeah. B-But why me? I mean, what if you and Mr Stark have kids, wouldn't you want them to have the company?"

"Why does sheet to be 'Pepper' and I'm still 'Mr Stark'?" Tony was ignored as Pepper tried to sooth Peter, something he visibly took offense with judging from the expression on his face.

"Sweetheart, that's kind of what we all wanted to talk to you about." Fury huffed, knowing what Pepper was going to tell him.

"Pepper and I want to adopt you, паучок." Natasha states outright and Peter's entire face freezes. "Pepper and I would be your co-guardians since neither of us were willingly going to give up the opportunity of being your mother. Since Tony and Pepper are married, he would technically have the dad position and Fury can be your Godfather if that's what you would want. But more importantly, I would officially be your Mama Spider."

Natasha grinned in smug satisfaction, waiting for Peter's reaction, but it seemed the information dump may have been a bit much because Peter's face was still frozen.

"Peter, hunny, is that okay with you?" Pepper asked, starting to get a little worried that they may have put too much on him at once.

As Peter was processing, he tuned out the small argument between Fury and Tony: Tony wanted his Honeybear, Rhodney, to be Peter's Godfather, not Fury. Later on, during a glaring match between Rhodney and Fury, they each conceded to Peter having two Godfathers instead.

Natasha observed Peter, watching as it seemed his brain was rebooting. First, his foot started tapping, then he started rocking back and forth on his feet and his lips twitched up. Natasha relaxed a little just as Peter started to bounce up and down erratically the widest grin she's ever seen lit up his face.

"Really? You both want to adopt me?!" Pepper and Natasha stood from their seats and made their way over to hug Peter, wrapping him in their arms.

"Of course we do, sweetheart. Is that okay? Natasha and I just want you to be happy." Pepper looked down at Peter adoringly: Peter had been alone without a family for so long, but he didn't have to be alone now. She wanted Peter to have a real family and Natasha and her were going to give that to him.

"And if it makes you feel any better, we will try to get better at sharing you with the others." Natasha had to try incredibly hard not to roll her eyes, knowing Clint was definitely going to take advantage of that.

Peter's arms wrapped around them both tightly, almost desperately, burying his face in the crook of Natasha's neck to hide the water gathering in his eyes.

"I, however, will make no such promises. I don't like sharing." Tony stated, not one to be forgotten. "Since we're going to be family now kiddo, think you could call me something other than Mr. Stark?"

Peter let out a small burst of laughter, his face was wet from tears, but his smile was brighter than the sun. "Not a chance, Mr Stark." Peter slowly unraveled himself from his moms to give Tony a cheeky grin.

Tony just chuckled and felt himself melting at the absolute joy on his kid's face.

"You little shit, come over here." Tony opened his arms and gestured for Peter.

If possible, Peter's smile brightened even more and launched himself at Tony, latching his arms and legs around him like a koala. Tony stumbled slightly, but just chuckled as he stabilized and smiled softly into Peter's hair.

Fury smiled as he slipped out the door, ending the recording he had just taken. Smiling victoriously, Fury left SI to head back to SHIELD.

Mission accomplished.

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