Side-Story #2

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*Natasha attends a team party after Team Red's first mission together*

"So where is your house?" Natasha cast a curious gaze at the seventeen-year-old in the driver's seat of an obviously upgraded sports car. Looking out the car window, Natasha noticed they were approaching the more dangerous parts of Queens.

"Watch," Peter sent her an amused smirk that reminded Nat of the way Clint looked right before one of his pranks went off. He reached up and flipped a latch revealing a big red button. Natasha gave him an unamused look. Really, Peter? A cliche red button?

He burst into laughter before flipping the lid back over it, not pressing the button.

"Sorry, that button doesn't actually do anything, I just like messing with people." If he wasn't driving Peter was sure she would have given him a bruised rib for that. "But, in all seriousness, we're almost there. Karen, mind opening the garage door for us?"

"Not at all Peter. The others are already inside, would you like me to inform them of your arrival?"

"Who is that?"

"Yes please, Karen and make sure they know of our guest. Natasha, this is my AI, Karen. Karen, this is Natasha, our guest." Natasha stared at him for a moment before watching as Peter drove towards a rather depressed looking building. The garage door had indeed opened, but for some reason she couldn't see anything inside as they drove towards it, just inky darkness. Until they drove inside, that is.

Once they were past the archway, everything was different. The whole first floor of the building seemed to be made into a garage with two other cars inside as well as a few motorcycles. The entire space was brightly lit and when she stepped out of the car she noticed the floor was made of polished concrete.

"How?" She looked at him with a guarded expression, he could tell she had questions and whatever file Fury had given Nat on him definitely only gave her the bare minimum in terms of information on him.

"Cloaking technology."

"SHIELD doesn't have this kind of technology, at least not on this scale."

"You're right, they don't." He didn't elaborate, instead he gestures for her to follow him to the elevator. She did follow him inside, and after she noted there were no buttons, Karen cut in.

"Ms Romanoff, if you could, please put your thumb on the scanner that will pop out in front of you as well as set a verbal biometric passcode for if you choose to visit again." Natasha arched her eyebrow at Peter, not making a move.

"If you want to get past this point and into the rest of the house, if you want to learn my secrets, if you want to know who I am, you will need to do this." Peter's voice was firm, this was not a bluff. No one gets into his home without his consent.

Natasha's lips quirked up, she could see why Fury liked him. He was serious when he needed to be, mischievous, and paranoid all at the same time. She put her thumb on the scanner.


"Biometric and thumbprint scan accepted." Peter relaxed his stiff posture at Karen's words and the easy smile he had when they were in the car was back.

"Second floor then, Karen. Let's introduce our guest to the rest of our team." The elevator moved then, Natasha still looking at him. She didn't let it show on her face, but she was very impressed and was nearly bursting with curiosity.

Fury did not want her to investigate Peter, he had only asked her to get to know him and introduce him to the Avengers, but what other secrets did this boy have?

"I know you have questions Ms Romanoff, so I promise you, I will give you time later tonight to question me after you have met everyone." Peter's expression shifted to show sincerity and an openness that made his eyes look like a puppy's. Against her will, she could feel her heart soften towards him.

"Call me Nat."


Natasha spent the next three hours getting to know Peter's team, which didn't just include Matt Murdock and Wade Wilson, but also Ned Leeds and Michelle Jones who worked in the coding and psychology departments at SHIELD respectively. It was clear that Peter surrounded himself with a very diverse group of people, and that this was only the tip of the iceberg when it came to Peter's connections.

Just as Peter had promised, as soon as the last person had trickled out, Peter had turned to her expectantly.

"You've been fishing for information all night Nat, don't stop on my account.

"Are your parents really Richard and Mary Parker?"

"Do you really doubt it?" The shark-like grin that had made a few appearances and had given Natasha flashbacks to a similar grin she used to see on a scientist duo that the entirety of SHIELD was terrified of.

"How did you meet Fury?"

"By being a little shit." Natasha huffed at his non answers. "But, if you really want to know, Maria actually loves to tell that story to people. Apparently I don't tell the story right, whatever that means."

"You seem to have quite a few friends, anyone I might know?" Natasha asked nonchalantly.

"You want to know where I'm getting my tech from," Peter corrected. "You might be familiar with certain royalty." Peter watched Natasha as she tried to cover up her shock.


"His sister and I seem to get along quite well, especially since I'm the one that introduced her to MJ, her girlfriend." Natasha grinned at the teenager in front of her. He really is something.

"Any other connections I might know about?"

"Oh, I'm sure there's quite a few.

"Planning on keeping them a secret from me?"

"More like leaving a few surprises for the future." 

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