Chapter Thirteen

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Natasha watched in amusement as the two Starks bantered with each other, each making their case as to why Peter should be their personal intern. Tony was his usual dramatic self, standing on the table to make himself seem taller while his hands flew about, accentuating his dramatic flare. Pepper was rolling her eyes at his antics, responding with an equal amount of sass.

Nat got Peter's attention from where she was standing in the doorway and motioned for him to follow her. He smiled and silently snuck away from the still bantering couple who were obviously in their own little world.

"Hey Mama Spider," Peter grinned at her as they snuck down the hallway together.

"Hello, паучок." Natasha ruffled Peter's hair with a small smile on her lips. "You up for me teaching you a few moves?"

Peter's eyes lit up in excitement, "yes!"

Natasha chuckled, her little spider was absolutely adorable. She was going to have a hard time keeping him to herself judging by Tony and Pepper's reaction to him. She was going to have to assert her dominance over them. She found Peter first. They'll of course get to spend time with him, but Natasha gets first dibs.

"What are you talking about, Pep? The kid's obviously a genius, he should be interning with me in the lab!" Tony whined.

"I agree, he is a genius. And that's exactly why he should be interning with me and not you." Pepper replied, using his own words against him.

"Are you saying I'm not a genius?" Tony put his hand to his heart, as if he'd been struck.

"I'm saying I don't want your version of 'genius' rubbing off on him. He's already too much like you and you haven't even properly met- Where did he go?" Pepper asked, just now realizing he wasn't in the room with them anymore.

"FRIDAY, where's the kid?" Tony asked, also just now realizing the kid's absence.

"Mr. Parker is currently training with Ms Romanoff in the Avenger's Training Gym."

"How does he keep getting away from me?!" Tony asked rhetorically with an air of frustration.

"Perhaps you should pay more attention next time, sir." FRIDAY responded.

"Betrayed by my own AI." Tony grumbled under his breath while Pepper laughed at him.

Natasha was definitely going to fight her for custody, Pepper realized. She might have to share custody of Peter with her. She'll have to draw up a new set of paperwork, but she was certain she could get it done in a relatively short amount of time. She knew a few people in the judicial system that owned her favors that could help speed the process along.

"What this move is doing is using their own weight against them and throwing them off balance. It's especially good to use if your opponent is bigger than you because you can use their size against them. After you get this move down I'll show you how to get out of it." Natasha instructed her little spider as she did a demonstration with a giddy Uncle Clint.

While the two spiders worked together, more and more of the Avengers started showing up and watching them. Steve and Bucky were already in the gym when Natasha and Peter had come in and they texted the group chat asking why Nat had brought a teenager into the Avengers Gym. That's when Tony texted back that this was Nat and Pepper's unofficial son.

One by one, the Avengers trickled in and watched the training, waiting impatiently to meet Peter.

"Come on, Tasha. Hurry up! I wanna meet the little shit!" Tony whined annoyingly.

Natasha rolled her eyes, "Fine Tony, but you better not rub off on him. We don't need anyone more self-sacrificing geniuses, you're enough of a handful as it is."

Natasha motioned for Peter to come over and she swung an arm over his shoulders as she brought him over to meet her idiot family.

"Peter, this is Steve, Bucky, and Sam. You already know Pepper, and that's Tony, Clint, and Bruce. Everyone else isn't here or is off-world." Natasha kept things short, knowing from his fidgeting that Peter was getting a little overwhelmed.

Peter straightened his shoulders and forced himself to stop fidgeting. His expression changed into one of open calmness which unnerved both Steve and Tony. Bucky and Clint understood it was part of Peter's training in SHIELD. Bruce was a little confused, but Pepper just smiled at Peter understandingly. This was Peter's mask that SHIELD trained into him and helped him become the leader he is today.

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you, my name is Peter Parker." Natasha rubbed his shoulder gently.

"No need to be nervous, Peter. They're all really excited to meet you." Peter relaxed slightly and smiled at Natasha shyly, making her heart melt.

"Hi," Peter smiled meekly at them with his puppy-dog eyes that had everyone, including Tony, melting and Clint audibly cooing.

"Okay! I can't take it, I've waited long enough, but it's my turn now! You're coming with me kiddo." Peter's eyes widened as Tony got a grip on his shoulder and practically dragged him away.

"What?! Where are we going?"

"To the lab!"

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