Chapter Nine

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Group Chat

Wade: That was awesome! We should bring the Widow on missions more often, she can obviously keep up

Peter: I'll add her to the chat and ask her if she wants to join our after party

Murdock: We always have the after parties at your place Peter, are you sure you want to invite a spy into your HQ?

Peter: I'll have a talk with her on the car ride over if she agrees to come. Besides, she works for Uncle Fury , anything she reports, she reports to him. And I think I might want to make a scene when I pick her up. Something dramatic that will infuriate Stark 😈

Wade: YES! Can you film it? You should film it! We can take a picture of his face and then add it to my instagram full of pics from the Avengers being stupid

Murdock: I'm not sure where you get all those pictures from, but since I know I can't convince you not to do it, I say just go for it.

Peter has added Natasha to Group Chat

Natasha: What have you done now, Devil Child?

Peter: I thought we bonded on this mission, why must you hurt me Auntie Nat 😢

Murdock: Peter has decided he wants to invite you to our after party, it's tradition. If a mission goes really well and no one gets hurt too badly, we hangout at Peter's place to celebrate

Natasha: Maybe I'll drop by, you can send me the address and I can meet you there.

Wade: Nice try Widow, but u won't be able to get in without Peter's permission. If u want to come, then u gotta play by our rules! 😏

Peter: I'll come by and pick u up from the tower. Don't dress too fancy, this is just a casual thing. I plan on making a bit of a scene, so feel free to let it slip to your friends that u r going out😇

Wade: Oooh! Petey! You should wear your blue Armani suit to pick her up, and that fancy car u keep hidden from me! I can't wait to see Stark's face!

Murdock: If you're going to do this, go all out.

Peter: Humor us Auntie Nat?🥺

Natasha: alright, I'll play along baby spider

Wade: 🥳🥳🥳 let's get this party started!

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