Chapter Ten

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     Natasha fixed the strap of her bag, taking one last look in the mirror before opening the door to her bedroom and strutting out into the living room. She knew everyone would be there because it was movie night, something Steve started for 'team bonding.' So if you were at the tower when movie night was going on, you were required to attend, even Tony would get dragged out of his cave every once and awhile.

     Tony was the one who noticed her first, doing a wolf whistle at her outfit that drew everyone's attention to Natasha, exactly as she hoped would happen.

     "Going out tonight, Nat?" Steve asked distractedly, using the arrows on the remote to clumsily skim the different movies on the TV.

     "Where are you going?" Clint asked.

     "Take me with you?" Tony begged from his spot on the couch. He was stuck between Steve and Bucky, whom were making sure he couldn't escape from movie night like he has tried to do many times before.

     "I'm getting picked up by one of my teammates I went on the mission with. I'm sure you'd love to meet him Tony, you happen to know him."

     Now that definitely peaked Tony's interest as his head seemed to pop up like a prairie dog. When Steve got distracted reading a summary of a movie, Tony took his chance and escaped from Steve's watchful eyes, Clint not too far behind. Bucky would have intervened, but he honestly didn't really care.

     "Ugh, come on guys, really?" Steve complained. He tried so hard to bring everyone together for this but some people inevitably ruin all of Steve's hard work.

     Eventually everyone was up and following Natasha out to the front of the building. This included Steve, Tony, Clint, and Bruce since everyone else was either on a mission or smart enough to leave the tower before movie night started. Natasha hid her smirk, this was going to be fun.

"Pep? What are you doing here?" In the lobby, Pepper stood in front of reception, seeming to be waiting for something. She turned at the sound of Tony's voice, then turned to Natasha and raised an eyebrow.

"I was invited." Pepped answered, still looking at Natasha. Natasha simply shrugged and led the group to the front of the building and out the door.

     As promised, Peter was parked out in front of the doors, leaning up against an obviously tricked out sports car while wearing a navy blue Armani suit, glasses, and a big smile on his puppy dog face. All in all, he looked like a super rich nerd.

     "Natasha," Peter greeted Nat first, taking her hand, kissing her knuckles then letting go and stepping back before she had a chance to smack him for being cheeky.

Grinning, Peter turned to the rest of the Avengers, wondering briefly how he should approach this. Nodding to himself, he decided to be a little shit. Besides, it wasn't like he was hiding that it was him they had texted.

"Hello Mrs Potts, Natasha invited you upon my request. We've already met briefly over text, I believe I am listed in your contacts as 'Hacker Kid.'" Peter waited, watching as her eyes widened in comprehension. "I wanted to apologize in person for distracting Mr Stark so much and assure you that was not my intention."

     "Pep, you know this kid?" Tony inserted himself. Pepper smiled deviously, obviously realizing what Peter was up to.

     "Yes, and so do you Tony. I believe he is the one you have been trying and failing to hack. I also believe you referred to him as 'that little shit." Tony's entire body froze, his brain replaying what Pepper said over and over again.

     "Awe, you have a nickname just for me Mr. Stark, that's so sweet." Peter grinned mercilessly in a way that shocked Tony out of his brain freeze.

"You! You're the one that hacked my systems?!"

"Me? I admit nothing," but the smirk on Peter's face told everything.

After seeing Tony's eyes twitch, he turned back to Natasha.

"Ready to go?"

"Well, I suppose so. Wouldn't want to be late to the party after all."

"A Queen is never late, everyone else is simply early."

Natasha really did try not to smile as he quoted The Princess Diaries, but she couldn't seem to help it. He opened the door for her then turned to do a mock salute at the Avengers before closing her door, getting in on the other side, and driving away.

"Is that kid even old enough to drive?" Bucky asked Steve.

"I don't think so."

Tony was quiet for a moment, staring at the place the sports car had been before turning to Pepper.

"Can we keep him?"

Pepper smiled in amusement: Tony's always had a soft spot for smart and snarky kids. Examples being Harley and Shuri, both of whom Tony keeps in regular contact with.

"If you can get him to agree to it, you can keep him."


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