Chapter Eight

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Sorry it took so long to write this chapter, been having serious writers block with this story. If anyone has any ideas they want to brainstorm, make a comment at the end!

"Baby boy!"

"Oh no."

Peter had been waiting in front of the quinjet for his team when a large weight jumped and attached itself to his back.

He had obviously sensed him coming and could've moved out of the way, but he let Wade do this, as it was how they usually greeted each other.

Getting piggy back rides from Peter was one of Wade's favorite pastimes since the moment he found out just how strong the spider actually was.

Peter knew he was one of the only friends Wade had, so he let the mercenary tackle him whenever they saw each other, with Peter sometimes reciprocating the action if he felt like it.

Aside from the odd comment on a certain spider's well-shaped ass. Anyone that saw them interact would instantly know they were good friends.

"Dammit Wade!"

"Aren't you happy to see me Petey-Pie?"

"Will it ever end with you two?" Matt announced his presence behind the two idiots.

"You're the one that chose to be on a team with us Murdock."

"And I've regretted it every day since."

"Awe, don't lie Matty, you love us. Just admit it!"

"Yeah, that's not happening."

Peter only rolled his eyes at Matt before shrugging Wade off his back.

"You're right, White! Petey Pie never did tell us who our mystery teammate is!" Wade exclaimed out of nowhere. One of his boxes had obviously been talking to him.

"Well at least White seems to be on task today," Peter teased.

Over time, Peter had learned that Wade's boxes were more than just voices, that they were really his insecurities voicing themselves, in the weirdest way possible. But then again, he really wouldn't be Wade if he wasn't doing it in the weirdest way possible.

Peter could tell Wade felt more valued when Peter acknowledged his boxes, so Peter made it his mission to help Wade feel heard whenever they saw each other.

"Anyway, you'll all be meeting her in a few minutes, so you might as well get comfy on the jet. I'm going to wait for her out here so that I can warn her of the complete nutballs she's going to be working with."

"Oh don't worry, I already know."

Three heads instantly turned to see Natasha Romanoff walking towards them decked out in her full Black Widow gear.

"Agent Romanoff, pleasure to have you join us today." Peter greeted her professionally, switching from his playful personality to something more acceptable of a trained agent.

"Agent Parker, I've read your file. Impressive." Natasha's gaze was assessing, but Peter didn't let that faze him, he'd been trained by the best after all.

"Let's do a quick introduction and we'll get going." Peter pointed over to Wade.

"That's Deadpool with his voices, White and Yellow. If he starts talking to himself, don't bother trying to keep up. And this is DareDevil, he's a master at hand-to-hand combat and freaking people out with his awesome senses. Welcome to the team Agent Romanoff."

Natasha's lip raised into a slight smirk, the kid reminding her of a younger, more polite, version of Tony Stark

"If you're done, we should probably get going." Matt sounded annoyed, but his smile gave him away.

"Alright, alright, let's get going. Load up!" Natasha watched as his shoulders straightened and his voice took on a commanding tone. This wasn't Peter anymore, this was a trained shield agent.

Peter made his way to the pilot's chair, starting the quinjet up and getting it ready for take-off. After getting the plane into the sky and punching in the coordinates for the auto-pilot, he turned, unsurprised to see Natasha sitting in the co-pilot chair next to him.

"So, how did you and Director Fury meet?" Natasha sounded casual, but the curiosity she felt towards this kid was killing her.

Peter relaxed in his seat and chuckled at the memory.

"I'm assuming you've read my file?" Peter glanced over at the spy, her subtle nod confirming his suspicion.

"Then you know that any family I had is dead. I had been to a couple foster homes, but let's just say they weren't the greatest of people. I had been hiding out at a friend's place when I came up with an outrageous plan.

"I knew that SHIELD had been monitoring my vigilante persona for awhile, a couple agents even trying to approach me. My parents had also worked for SHIELD before they died. I decided then and there that SHIELD was the place I wanted to be.

"After that, I hacked SHIELD's database, got right onto the helicarrier, strolled into Fury's office while decked out in my full Spider-man costume and said 'Hey eye-patch, I hear you're looking for me!'"

Nat looked at him incredulously and Peter couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah, as you can imagine that didn't go over well."

"You hacked SHIELD?"

"It wasn't that hard to be honest."

"Just like it wasn't that hard to hack into an Avenger's phone?"

And that's when the conversation paused for a moment, Peter debating how much she knew, and how she found out.

Peter glanced over at her out of the corner of his eye and saw a knowing smirk that had him groaning.

"How did you find out?"


"Fury?! He ratted me out? Karen, set a reminder to plant sink bombs in Fury's office vents and the modified fart machine into Fury's chair that only goes off when there's more than one person in the room." Peter could hear Matt's laughter from the other room.

"I've set your reminder Peter. Would you also like me to turn on autopilot? You will arrive at your destination in ten minutes."

"Yes, please, Karen."

Peter and Natasha unbuckled and left the cockpit, making their way to the cabin where the other two vigilantes were.

Natasha looked up at the ceiling of the plane. "You have an AI?"

"Yep, I made her myself when I was fourteen and when I joined SHIELD I incorporated her into almost every piece of technology that I have, including my plane."

"Wait, I thought this was just a standard quinjet."

Peter looked at her with a smug smirk on his face. "Nothing I own is standard."

"Definitely a Mini Stark," Natasha murmured under her breath.

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