Chapter One

18.9K 401 143




Answer me, it's code red!


Who is this?

How did you get this number?


Ned, I think it's pretty obvious who this is

This is no time for kidding around

I need you to meet me at the base


The base?!

Okay I've had enough messing around

You either tell me who you are or I hack you and find out myself


*le gasp*

You're not Ned!

Also good luck with hacking my phone😏



What the hell is this??

Why can't I hack this firewall?!


Hehe 😈

And language!

My ears are young and impressionable


You little shit

And you can't be that young if you have a firewall that

rivals Stark's tech


Stark's tech?

As in Tony Stark?

How do you have access to Stark Technology?

*Double le gasp*

Do you know Tony Stark?!


I'll tell you if you tell me your name


Yeah, no

You could be a pedophile for all I know

I could probably just hack your phone to find out

But I won't because I'm polite


A pedophile?

So you are a kid!



Oh would you look at the time!

I have to go!

Bye Mr/Miss Possible Pedophile Person!

Peter's POV

    I refocused from my phone screen to my current problem: hiding from child services. I carefully looked over the edge of the roof, scanning the streets for the people I had been running from in my civilian form. I had managed to duck into an alley long enough to climb up the wall to the roof of a building without getting caught.

    Ever since Aunt May died in a car crash, I had been living in foster homes that had been nothing but pure hell. These child services people will basically stick you with anyone that is willing, so a lot of us usually end up in situations like mine: running from officials and learning to survive on your own.

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