27. End of Sport's Festival

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I was checking my unpublished stories of other BNHA... I... I have freaking 3 more of them and the plot. Goodness I can't-- I'm tempted to publish them!!! Waaahhhhhh

Y/n watched the ice made its way towards her. As soon as the ice came she rolled to the side, standing back up and shifted into running towards Todoroki.

The boy stepped on the floor on her direction again and released ice. Y/n stepped aside again until she was a couple of feet away from him. Once she was closer, both preoared their fighting stunts and began to spar.

Of course, Y/n taught everyone martial arts and Todoroki wasn't an exception. Although the boy had other styles of his own, he also learned few tricks from the former soldier. But it was without quirk that he always get's defeated which is why now, with quirks, he began to freeze her direction then spar.

The girl didn't seem faze that made the other wonder how she's keeping up with such pressure. In fact, Todoroki felt as if he's the one being pressured. Y/n started sprinting again evading each and every blocks of ice he makes until being cornered in the middle with nowhere to run.

"Oh no! Looks like Todoroki had been planning this all along! Will Y/n escape this fight unscathed?" Present mic asked in a suspense tone.

The girl breathed in and letting out a sigh before she prepared herself to race forward. As soon as Todoroki released the ice, the blocks began to approach her, at the same time, she came to face the ice.

However, before reaching it, she jumped aside, using the ice wall Todoroki created and made a jumpstart in order to spring up higher than the block of ice that was about to attack her. Using hardening on her arm at the same time, falling from above the bicolored male.

With his quick reaction, he created another ice to stop her and at the same time, defend himself. Y/n didn't let the ice stop her as with what strength she has, she punched the ice wall which easily broke into pieces as she faced Todoroki head on once again.

The fight was over sooner than everyone had anticipated.

The supposed good fight ended up with Y/n's luck that had her won the battle. Not using his fire, Y/n was able to come even closer and knock him out.

Announcing the runner ups, the students stood on the platform. With All Might coming to put on their awaited medals.

After the awarding ceremony, everyone gathered back to class. Aizawa had a brief reminder about the hero internships before dismissing them in the end of the day.

The car with the new guard to fetch her had been waiting that she had no other choice but go.




The car finally reached the destination. Y/n, who was used to the routine, entered the glass door without hesitation and walked her way towards Overhaul's office.

Standing in front of the boss, the girl's hand remained at her back. Her posture aligns with those military soldiers like she usually do, emmiting a professional intimidation on her stunts. She was standing still, staring at each other for a while.

The silence made Chrono sigh. Clearing his throat to speak. "Congratulations on winning. You've shown an exceptionally strong fighting skills." He praised.

Y/n blinked. "Thank you." She replied.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Overhaul then asked.

The girl hummed. "It's oddly nostalgic." She replied. "I enjoyed it very well."

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