50. Revelations

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The hallways taken towards his cell was too long.

For every step, Y/n feels like her feet was heaving. Her body was feeling incredible heat and alertness as she counted every step and turns they were making.

It was deep underground floor (negative)-3rd where the security is under national level as Tsukauchi explained.

"We don't usually allow civilians to visit, but seeing as you were a special case, we tried to do what we can. We did question mr. Braun, but he doesn't speak much." The detective explained. "He did request to us that he also wanted to speak with you, hopefully, we could get information from him now if this works."

Y/n hummed and nodded. So the only purpose why she was allowed was a means of necessity in order for Reiner to speak. Although that was a disappointing thought, because if Reiner started giving them information, she might not be given a chance to see him. At the same time, she's thankful for this small ironic luck.

"Are you ready?" Endeavour asked as soon as they reached a white door.

"Yes, sir." Y/n replied.

Tsukauchi nodded, proceeding into pulling the knob open. And inside was another room, divided by a glass wall to what looked like another small room. On her side was an empty space as they entered. But as Y/n's eyes scanned the other side, she saw that blonde man sitting on the side of the bed. He looked rather sleepless and spaced out.

"As you requested, we made sure that all things we offered him are not made of metal. We changed them all to woods." Tsukauchi told her until he went to the side of the room. "Currently, he cannot see or hear us here." He then pointed to the red button on the wall. "Once I press this, you two will be able to converse."

Y/n clenched her fist. She didn't know what to feel in that situation. Disappointment, pity, anger, sympathy. It was mixing up.

As soon as the detective pressed the button, Reiner's eyes ran towards the glass. His eyes observed her for a while before letting out a chuckle. "That's funny. What are you wearing right now?" He started.

The girl grunted from his headstart. Of course, it's her uniform right now but she did kept asking the same thing the first day she forced herself to wear it. "I need information." She said instead. "As our conversation was cut short, you should tell me the truth now."

"That's why I asked for you. Because you need to understand why you are a warrior--"

"Enough bullshit. We're no longer in the walls so either you speak, or just shut up forever." She glared at him darkly. She didn't really know why this man is so insistent on forcing her to his warrior fiascos.

"Y/n Ackerman." He called out. Standing up from the bed and made his way in front of her which was only divided by the thick glass. He stared at her shorter structure for a while before speaking. "You really are hard to reach at this point." He said. His hand placed on the glass where in his line of sight was where her face was.

She frowned. What is he talking about? "Stop with your nonsense and speak."

"During our warrior training, he told us your special circumstance why you can shift." He started. "Put your hands on the glass and you'll see what I'm talking about."

Although hesitant, Y/n complied, placing het hand across Reiner's palm. Sudden gush of what looked like lightning hit her head, quickly retracting her hand away. "What was that?" She asked.

"Do it again. Don't remove your hand. This is the only truth you need to know." He said. "Maybe there, you'll also see your whole name, Y/n Ackerman." He emphasized her name.

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