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When I wrote the part where Historia Slapped Y/n, I remembered this meme...

When I wrote the part where Historia Slapped Y/n, I remembered this meme

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Credits to the one who edited that. I salute your sharp memory.

She's already had multiple death-- I mean Ackerman encounters, why not add Y/n ackerman to complete the list, right? Lmao.

The tall fifty meter wall stood majestically from the view outside. Sturdy and dark yet held the hundred years of solidarity, shielding the existence of ignorance to the outside world because of the titans that took over it.

That view, together with the gushes of wind swiftly drifting through them and the hooves of multiple horses were making its way back to the said direction.

"Everyone. At full speed." Levi ordered, holding on to the reigns of his horse tighter, pacing his horse faster through the pathway that's been covered in grass. "Keep an eye on your surroundings!"

"Yes sir!" Everyone replied, the caravan following behind them while making their way back to the home they used to know... to bring one of the greatest news this world has ever thought to be impossible after all the wounds and emotional trauma that the titans have instilled. The hope of himanity finally coming back holding the shootng star of their wishes and granting it with their entrance. Head held high in both respect for their comarade's sacrifices and their biggest victory.

The step to freedom from the nightmare of wall Maria's breach for over the span of five years... and the freedom that lies beyond the lands nobody has ever seen before.

Upon reaching the walls and were done announcing their victory and the casualty it cause together with Commander Erwin's death, Levi squad were quickly called out by commander Pixis to break the news.

"Y/n Ackerman is alive." Was how the old man started their conversation.

The squad were thrown into shock. Their hearts began to clench rapidly by the news of this girl actually being alive. However, nobody spoke. Everyone simply stared at him in disbelief, waiting for him to say that it was a joke but Pixis didn't and instead continued.

"And the first one she came looking for was her older brother." He said.

Levi cleched his fist. "Where is she?" He asked.

"Her cell was relocated somewhere and the location is confidential." He drank on his bottle of liquor before continuing again. "I'm sorry to say this, but you'll have to wait until her hearing. Else it might be troublesome if she really came to hurt you. Or capture Eren."

"Y/n wouldn't do that!" Eren quickly disagreed.

"Yes, yes. I understand that you were her friends. She also had company coming here. Those two are currently in my custody, being watched by my people." He explained.

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