53. Untitled

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It was a good thing that Shoto thought of asking her to borrow the training ground.

Because if they didn't do anything than sit and wait around the corners for some vague biased news with a saved up stale bread and noisy crowd, they're going to go insane.

The heat of the morning was too much to bare compared to the usual temperature they experience in Japan, probably because they were enclosed in some bigass 50-meter walls and a populated area. Although this place had little population, the walls made it seem like they are overcrowding because of the land limits.

Most soldiers overbounds their authority as well, but not all of them.

It was mostly the so called branch of soldiers in the Military police. If not everyone, then just the people who came to check on the survivors. Bakugo was already on the verge of making their heads explode as soon as they started looking down at them.

Now, they got out of the area of evacuation, Kaminari awkwardly followed behind Aizawa when the so called Mike started sniffing him. It was fucking weird and it gives him the chills that might probably scar his teenage life for as long as he lives.

Hange was beside Aizawa, asking him about his experience in Trost, what he things about the titans, why he has dark under eyebags like a certain short someone she knew, why are the kids with him abonormal and more.

Aizawa grumbled. Tired of all the shitty questions Hange kept throwing at him.

Meanwhile, Y/n was quietly on the lead with Iida who suddenly started introducing himself formally.

He just followed suit beside her and gave a friendly smile. "My name is Tenya Iida! It's nice to meet you." He started.

"Y/n." She answered, eyes on the way.

"Y/n is a nice name. May I inquire about your training area? Are there any particular rule we must follow?" He asked.

She paused for a second and nodded. "Do not anger the commandant." She responded.

Iida looked confused by that reply. "How do we avoid angering him?"

She didn't reply after a few seconds. "Do things right... probably." At this point Y/n was unsure how to explain that Shadis will still shout at them no matter what they do as long as he was there.

Hoping thay he is in a good mood is the least of her concerns, because in the first place, the commandant seemed to be always in angry no matter how he looked. So the last thing she could wish for is him actually not being there or just him ignoring their existence whatever the coincidences might wish to pick.

"What training do you usually do then?" Iida continued inquiring.

"We will get there soon." She instead responded.

And yes, soon was meant for a forty minute walk under the heat of a stroking sunlight multiplying the hot atmosphere through a rocky path beside the forestry and worse, it was a slope going up. Finally reaching a view of a wide oval and on the far corner, some cabins that must've housed the newly graduated military students.

The area was open. It didn't have fences or obstacle trails. It was just a wide open space with few training equipment for combat.

The students simply observed the area despite the drenching sweat they've earned from that non stop walk which gave the girl a little bit of reason to distance herself, else their sweat might get into her. Not that she's disgusted... well she is but not that much since the walk wasn't even that tiring for her and her fellow soldiers.

"Find a space for yourself. No one is using it after graduation afterall." Y/n motioned her hand towards the fields.

"Thank you for your kind gesture. We are very indebt to you." Iida bowed 90° at her, which the young soldier took oddly.

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