41. Titans

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A large armored titan came out from the smokes.

The allegedly blonde man who was supposedly lying down from his injuries now stood taller than the three storey buildings that surrounded the whole of the city escapes. His body now almost as hard as rock that might even be impossible to break.

From under the rubbles, the group of young students included two injured people started coughing from the dust.

"Are you... alright?" Y/n hardly asked, looking from underneath her. Her crystal skin began to peel off her body falling into the floor while some gash of blood was flowing from her forehead.

Midoriya, who lie on the floor looked back to the female who was hovering from above him and caught some heavy debris that was supposed to hit him. Due to her crystal skin unable to cover most of her body, some of the sharp rocks hit her indiscriminantly that blood is basically everywhere. Worries quickly hit his system as he sat up and helped her remove a rubble that was heaving her back.

"Y/n, are you okay?!" He was the next one to ask, helping her up from her knees. The explosion caused the piece of her clothing to get ripped with blood peeking from ever corner of it. Looking at how severe it is, he couldn't help but blame himself.

Had he not came close to aid the enemy, she wouldn't have to save his life like this.

The giant in front of them blew some smokes out of from his armored mouth. His face, turning towards their direction that sent down shivers through the greenette's spine. It's body soon followed, running towards the short distance they were from. Every step it made caused the ground to shake and soon, it's right foot went further back, a stunt was prepared--a kick-- and then launched towards them.

Todoroki, quick enough for the uptake, created a barrier of ice to shield his classmates. However, the giant's strength held no limit to breaking this ice wall and went straight up to the retreating Midoriya who was supporting Y/n to run.

The kick was so strong, the air caused the windows to be shattered with a single sway. Yet it didn't manage to hit anything at all. The two people it was meant for quickly dived into the floor as soon as the ice blocked the titan's sight of them.

Then they continued to run for their lives with the injured.

When they got out of the alley, they were met with other heroes who were also making their way towards the cause of explosion. Shocked to see a number of students, an injured pro and Stain hinself who was tied and unconscious. Behind them was a titan clad in armor.

"Everyone, run!" Midoriya shouted.

"What is that thing?!" Endeavour asked as well, looking up at its built. Although nowhere near mt. Lady's height, this giant emits an intimidating air around him. Almost the same as bloodlust.

Reiner walked faster. His blanked titan eyes watched Y/n being taken away. He wouldn't allow that. If she lived later on, it's going to be harder for him to take her titan ability away. He thought that the debris and aftershock will cause her to be disoriented for a while and it looks like it worked.

He saw fire coming towards him. The flame covered his body that didn't even affect his movement. It wasn't hot. It's not at all a hindrance to his way, considering how this titan form is only a vessel for him.

Endeavor hiss. "He's still moving!" He cursed. The fire was already buring his body, but why isn't he least in pain?

Was he missing something?

"T-that man! We can't let her come closer to Y/n!" Midoriya announced in a panic.

Gran Torino looked at his intern and to the girl he's supporting on his shoulder. She was holding her head while groaning in pain. Gashes of blood trickled around her body that seemed to have taken all the aftershocks from the explosions. "Tell us the situation, kiddo!" He demanded.

Heroic Warrior(BnhaXReader!!Aot Soldier)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें