01. World of Quirks

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Inheriting a female armored titan wasn't so bad. I could protect everyone I love and I'll be stronger!'

Yes, that childish mindset. The mindset that lead me to my doom. As if being an Ackerman wasn't enough, I ended up accepting the ideology that would turn even my brother's back at me.

I hate myself for this one mistake that destroyed everything!

I wanted to protect everyone-- no, I wanted to be strong. This ridiculous selfish desire of strength can never be justified by saying the 'wanting to protect' line!

I'm no longer a soldier-- a hero, when I accepted the fate of becoming a warrior. I'm just delusioned to be the person everyone can rely on.

I can never do what Eren could.

No one will accept me. Even brother...

"My quirk?" Confusion written all over her face as she was asked an unusual question.

"Yes. These extraordinary human ability to heal." The doctor pointed out as he flipped his clipboard. "I heard you were wounded deeply, but it only took you 8 hours to heal."

She frowned. Should she be telling that she's a titan shifter? But seeing as how each people look unique in this place, she couldn't help but wonder.

"Are there titans in this area?" She asked instead.

The doctor blinked twice, fixed his glasses and faced her. "Titans? It's rather rare. But there's a rookie hero named Mt. Lady here. Why do you ask?"

"Mt. Lady?" She tilted her head questioningly.

"Yes. She's a giant hero."


She frowned from all the confusing explanation. Was mt. Lady even a name? And what's this hero thing? "Th-then, there's no titan here that eats human?" She asked.

The doctor shook his head. "Okay, the authorities will be coming here soon. Please do try your best to answer their questions." He told her. "Oh, and we'll be running more tests tomorrow, after that, we'll inform your guardians about the results."

Y/n nodded obediently. Deciding to sleep it off for a while after she had her fill of breakfast.

The food was awesome!

Once again, she was sitting back up to her bed.

Her eyes on the police officer who came to talk about her case. She explained that she doesn't know where she was and explained that she wasn't even aware that Japan actually existed.

For some reason, told him embarrassing things as well, like she doesn't know how to open the lights, she can't operate the bathroom, and she doesn't understand the fashion statement showed by different famous personalities on the thing they call a television.

"So, how did you get into UA's classroom without even sounding the alarm bell?" He asked.

"Don't know. I was just dying on the river, but when I woke up from the pain, I was suddenly there." She told him.

The man scribbled on his notes. "What was you name again, young lady?" He asked.

"It's Y/n, Y/n Ackerman." She introduced.

"By the sound of your name, you're probably a foreigner. Someone's quirk might've taken you there." He smiled nicely. "I'm told that UA high will be responsible for your well-being from today onward." He said.

"May I ask... who is UA High?"

"Oh. That is the school where you first appeared from. The students and teacher that you first met will be the people you'll accompany for your time in high school." He told her.

But I just finished military school six months ago! Why do I have to study again? She though, quietly smiling at the man who was kind enough to tell her where she's headed from now onward.

"I was told your wounds have already healed." The man continues.

She nodded. "The doctor says... part of my quirk?" She explained.

He laughed. "That's an amazing quirk. I guess UA saw your potential." He finally closed his notebook and stood up from the chair. "I assure you, you'd be an amazing hero. It's nice to meet you, miss Ackerman." He held out his hand at her while she gaped at it and awkwardly nodded, accepting the shake hands.

"Yes. The pleasure is mine, officer."

The man left after.

Once again, she was alone in the room. The wide window showed her more outside view that she couldn't believe existed. The infrastructures were designed differently, most walls were made of glass and giant magic mirrors with talking people and others (the ad tv attached on the buildings... i guess).

Then at night, it wasn't as dark. The busy world bustles with vehicle noises and streetlights that it still felt like morning despite the dark skies. Her first days and nights were tantalizing.

So different from her world.

She sighed, glaring at her hands as she watched the scars on her palms. The mark of hard work and training she did whereas she earned the recognition for having strength on par with humanity's strongest soldier.

The proud marks. But now, it felt like a curse. A reminder that she was a girl of deceit. Enemy of humanity.

Compressing herself into a ball, she began to sob. The wounds couldn't compare with the pain her heart was feeling. The emotions that she couldn't show in front of everyone else because as a strong person, she must never cry. No weaknesses.

"But what can she do alone, to somewhere unfamiliar? She's too young for all of this to happen so sudden. She needs guidance." Principal Nezu took a sip on his tea. Around his office gathered the UA staff as they talked about Y/n, who was interviewed about her origins.

"Yes. That's probably the best thing as of now." Aizawa looked at the files in hand.

The questionnaires of information that she answered regarding herself. She didn't have a stench of lie, and at the same time, her expression was unreadable. Almost like a trained professional.

"Do you really think that it's a good idea to let her mingle around class 1-A?" Vlad king asked, crossing his muscled arm on his chest.

"She's the same age as them. Children tend to trust peers their age than adults. By the looks of it, she is currently experiencing culture shock." The officer explained.

"Culture shock?" All Might asked with wonder.

"Miss Ackerman doesn't seem to understand much of what I'm asking. Nor does she even know where she is. She says that everything was so new that she's quite terrified." Tsukauchi explained.

"In that case, she has a lot to learn then." Aizawa sighed.

"I still don't trust the kid." Vlad intervened. "What if she's just another pawn from the League?"

"We will monitor her." Nezu spoke calmly. "Whatever her motives or current opposition is, she's still a child and what she needs right now is proper guidance."

"Well if that's how you think it's going to be, then I don't have any objections." Midnight finally spoke.

"Then I have no objections as well." Soon, everyone followed to agree with the small principal.

"Thank you. Now, shall we move with the other problem?" The smiling Nezu says. "Where the girl's new residence will be."

After his mention, the whole room went quiet...

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