08. UA's Muse

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"Oh and by the way, we're in live broadcast, Y/n." Nezu finally spills the bean. "Guess I also posted your recording to our social media account."

Y/n was nonchalant. She doesn't really know what that means while Jiro handed her some macha flavoured lollipop.

She placed it in her mouth, tasting the calming sweets that stayed in her tongue. "What does that mean?" She asked.

"Well it means, you're famous in the entire school after today's song. Thank you for dining with us."

Her brows twitched. "Why?" She asked. It was quite a surprise that she's interestingly calm at a time like this. But realizing that she's a very special person, nobody dared question her nonchalance.

"Well..." Nezu brought his phone out and showed her a recording of her singing. The device he's holding took her interest, but it doesn't mean that she's not embarrassed looking at the video taken off of her.

Soon enough, lunch break ended. Her and Jìro got out of the office while on their way to class, Y/n started to notice people glancing at her. Some of the male students blushing and waving.

She frowned. "Is this what that cute rat mentioned about?" She askèd.

"Well yeah. Everyone in school watched you sing and eat." Jiro laughed.

"Then I beg you to bury me."

"Not a chance, Y/n. You were so adorable."

She shrugged. Finally reaching the classroom from those awkward meets. Some already gave her sweets like chocolate and candies which she gratefully took since she's recently developed sweet tooth. Girls and boys even blocked her way and introduced themselves‐-which some she already had forgot.

Some business course students called her UA's muse and interviewed her about her class and quirk. Finally knowing that she's a transfer student from 1-A and has a powerful quirk, they began analyzing and says that she'd be very much a best seller.

With too much delay, the door slammed opened from the class as Y/n jumped in and Jiro closing the door after. Earphone jock seemed so tired from running, panting as she knelt in front of the door but the girl with her was least bit tired.

Their classmates turned to them with stunned looks. "What is wrong with them?" Y/n asked looking blankly at the closed door. Why was she being given too much attention?

"Y/n!" The class finally realized that she was there, approaching her within miliseconds. "Are you okay?"

"This is too much." The h/cnette grabbed her hair in distress.

She was famous back then as the next humanity's strongest. But that fame wasn't that much since not everyone likes the scouts. But today proves how different the world is.

"Hey Ceiling Bitch!" Bakugo called out as loud as he always was.

Since he's the most head turning among the class, her eyes landed on him.

"Who the hell was that special someone you were so touched about?!" Asking the most important question of the day, the class eyed her with curiosity.

Once again she was the center of attention. "Ah, that..." she pinched the bridge of his nose lightly before replying. "Just my corporal, Levi." She answered, sighing tiredly just thinking about how she missed him.

The next day didn't seem to be any different. She still had to play hide and seek especially with the business class who keeps on bugging her to become the face of their business items.

She was so horrified that she had to run, showing off parkour skills every turns, jumping on the stairs, summersaulting through crowds and all that blocks her way while one hand keeping her skirt down to avoid people from seeing through her undies.

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