12. The Mafia

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"Asui... I'm sorry that our hang out got to be cut off during USJ attack." Y/n walked towards the frog lady.

"It's fine, Y/n. It's not your fault. And you can call me Tsu." She replied. "Do you want to hang out now?" She asked.

She nodded. "Would you want to?" She asked.

"Of course, Y/n. I do like spending time with you guys." She made the frog sound, smiling at the girl kindly.

The two spent most of the time together that day. Although Mina and Kaminari kept fighting for her attention, she'd return back to Asui and chat with her. It's actually most about the ocean.

Yes, Y/n have never seen the ocean before. Nor anyone from where she came from.

Asui was patient enough to tell her how it felt to be in the sea, it's salty smell and taste, it's vast endlessness from human view and the diverse species of fish that can be seen. Y/n listened attentively at her. Her eyes were flared with determination that she will see it one day!

"Actually Y/n. There's a beach nearby. Do you want to see it after class?" Asui asked.

She sighed in disappointment upon the mention of after class. "Maybe next time Tsu. I still have things to do later on." She said. But deep down she really wanted to go.

"Oh, don't sweat it Y/n. When you're not busy, we can go together." The fog lady assured.

Y/n nodded, grabbing a piece of cookie from the pack. "Yeah. I'm really looking forward to that." She replied.

"Did I hear someone say going to the beach?" Mina quickly appeared on Y/n's seat.

"Yes. Tsu promised that she'll let me see the ocean." The h/c haired replied.

"Okay, when? Can I come?!" She asked.

"I don't see any problem." The girl replied.

"We can swim too. It sounds fun!"

"Why do you swim in the ocean?" The girl quickly asked, her head tilting questioningly.

Meanwhile, Mina turned to her shocked. Waiting if she's going to say that she was joking. But god knows she wasn't. "Well. Leisurely time! Swim into the salty water in a hot day and enjoy. You know, some fun!" She explained. "You're so cute! You're very forgivable whatever you do." She squealed,  hugging her tight.

"Okay." The girl replied nonchalantly. Swimming doesn't sound bad.

Mina squealed, embracing the girl like a bear. "I can't wait to see you in bikini! Let's go buy some for you when we get the time! I want to see you in casual as well." She said.

Hearing Mina's exclamation, people now took interest. Just hearing Y/n wearing other attire--especially a bikini-- aside from her uniform and hero costume sounds tempting enough.

"Hey, unfair! I wanna come as well." Kaminari complained.

"I'll ask for some day off on the weekends then." Y/n said.

Mina gasp! "Yay! Y/n is making time for us! How about we go shopping on saturday and go swimming on sunday?!" She asked.

The girl nodded. "Well. I'm not sure yet. So please lower your expectation." She reminded.

"Awwww... but I have faith in you. I'll go pray to the gods to let them give you some time!"

Y/n walked out of school after the day ended. The car that was waiting for her or guarding her was still there as she decided to enter.

Almost immediately, it left.

The ride took about an hour as they had to leave the city grounds towards the woods of the unknown laboratory. When they got there, it was almost sunrise.

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