Chapter 7

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Anathema's POV

HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN so stupid? I had left the Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter book in the car of the people who nearly ran me over. This book was written by one of my ancestors, who was accused of being a witch. She was incredibly good at making predictions and wrote them all down in one book, the book I had lost. It had given my family unimaginable wealth and correctly predicted absolutely everything. Damn my mother is going to be angry.

In my own frustration with myself, I picked up one of the plant pots and smashed it on the ground of the front garden of my cottage. I watched as the ceramic shards flew everywhere, scattering themselves around the garden.

Suddenly a boy, about eleven years old, walked up to my garden fence with his dog. He had a kind smile on his face but a strange, unnerving feeling washed over me when he came over, something I can't explain.

"Are you alright Miss?" He asked politely.

"Oh, y-yes, I'm ok." I stammered back. "Would you like to come in?" I asked, knowing that he was one of the village children and wouldn't do any harm.

He walked into my house, holding the dog. He looked around at all of my traditional witchcraft objects, not that he knew what they actually were, but then his eyes fixed on a picture of Satan. He stood there staring at it for quite a while but I pretended not to notice. The picture seemed to strike something within him, so much so that he couldn't take his eyes off it.

I coughed lightly, causing him to bring his attention away.

"What's you name?" I asked the boy with a smile, pretending I didn't notice him staring that the photo.

"My name is Adam, Adam Young."

"I am Anathema." I smiled again.

I saw him turn to look at my magazines intently, almost as intently as he looked at the satanic photo. "You can take a few if you want." I offered.

He smiled back at me and without a word he grabbed some of the magazines off the table. They were all about things like Nuclear Pollution and how Atlantis might be underneath the sea. He looked absolutely fascinated by every single one of them.

Because of my family's background in witchcraft, I had been born with the gift of being an occultist, meaning that I can see people's auras. An aura is like a haze around someone. It can tell you a lot of things about that person. I looked for Adam's but strangely I couldn't see his. I looked again but it still wasn't there. But that couldn't be right; everyone has an aura, it is something that is always there. So why couldn't I see Adam's? 

"Thank you for these." He said, referring to the magazines. My attention returned back to him and I waved as he left the house; magazines one one side, Dog on the other.


There is a reason why Anathema couldn't see Adam's aura. And it is the same reason why people in Time's Square can't see America....


Aziraphale's POV

I sat on my own, in my bookshop, flicking though the Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter by the light of a single lamp. I was trying to find something about the antichrist, something that would help Crowley, Harper and I. I looked on every page but nothing seemed to make any sense, it was all written in such riddles. I was about to give up when a particular prediction caught my eye.

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