Chapter 28

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Harper's POV

Another round of hellish cheers erupted from the crowd of demons, clearly happy about this news. I, on the other hand, was the polar opposite.

My heart had skipped a beat and the horrible thoughts of losing Crowley came back into my mind. Although I hadn't known him long, I knew I was meant to be with him. It broke my heart to see him in this situation and the fact that I couldn't help made everything even worse.

"No no!" I yelled but Beelzebub ignored me again.

Hastur laughed and grabbed Crowley harshly by his arms, shoving him towards the bath of holy water. As soon as he touched a single drop of that water, Crowley would be dead, gone forever. And the worst part was that I could do nothing about it.

Tears finally started  flowing down my face as I broke down. I yelled in pain as Hastur pushed Crowley mere inches away from the bath. The horrible demon was clearly enjoying this whole event.

"Get in the bath!" Beelzebub yelled in their cruel, raspy voice, thousands of flies swarming above their head.

Everything went numb. Physically I was alright but mentally I enduring the most painful torture. I stopped crying; it didn't help anything. All I was focused on was Crowley. He was going to die. I couldn't save him. It was too late. I stood there silently, in too much emotional agony to move or scream.

Crowley slowly pulled down his clothes to revel a somewhat old fashioned bathing suit and looked down at the bath. He was going to go in. This was it. The moment I would lose him.

"Today, my fellow demons," Beelzebub announced, "you will have witnessed the death of a traitor. Let this be a lesson to you all. Do not plot against our master, the all powerful Satan, or you will pay!" The Lord shouted.

Hastur took a final step forwards and focused his jet black eyes into Crowley's gold ones, and grinned like a mad man.

"Goodbye, Crowley." He sneered.

Hastur reached out his arms and shoved Crowley, pushing him forwards.

Pushing him in to the bath.

"No!!!!!" I screamed, "No!!"

It was too much. I couldn't handle it. I physically couldn't. Pain flooded through my veins and I began to loose consciousness. The sorrow was simply too much to deal with. I had never felt so much despair in my life, I couldn't put in to words how deep my pain was.

Darkness washed itself over my vision and before I could even register what was going on, I collapsed on the floor; my only way to escape the agony.


Dead. Crowley was dead.

That was the first thing I thought of when I came to. But then I heard something, something that sounded like water.

My eyes looked around the large stone chamber and eventually focussed on something: the bath of holy water. Only there was something odd about it. Someone was in it. A demon was in the bath.

Holy fucking shit.


It was Crowley.

Oh my God.

He was alive.

Have any of you ever felt the feeling of pure euphoria? Have you felt like heaven has somehow made its way into your life? Have you seen a blinding ray of sunlight amidst a violent storm?

This is the best way that I can describe how I am feeling right now. I simply can not explain a feeling by using words, it just isn't possible. The only way to describe a feeling is to liken it to another feeling.

And that is what I am doing now.

It feels like pure and utter euphoria.

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