Chapter 31

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Harper's POV

Crowley grabbed my hand and, with Aziraphale close behind, we quickly made our way the Ritz hotel, it was only a few minutes away from the park.

Although it had originally been my plan to live in London and be a poet, I hadn't really spent much time here, well, not much time without Armageddon coming closer and closer. It felt amazing just to walk through the streets and occasionally glance into shop windows.

Soho was actually quite a beautiful place to be, I never thought I would feel so calm in a city. Right now, I felt just as happy as I did in Cornwall.

The three of us arrived at the entrance of the hotel, and Crowley took my hand gently in mine as we walked in.

The Ritz Hotel was beautiful. It was so much nicer than any restaurant I had been to before. The ceilings were decorated with glistening chandeliers, that were just as beautiful as they were expensive; the walls had stunning paintings on them.

We ordered our food and only in a few minutes we were all talking like we were sat in Aziraphale's bookshop.

"I'd like to think," the angel started off, looking at Crowley, "that none of this would have worked out if you weren't, at heart, a good person." He said kindly; I even saw Crowley smile.

"And," the demon continued, "if you weren't, deep down, just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing."

I laughed at their friendship. They were so different but somehow they got along so well. Maybe being each other's opposite is what brought them closer together. Or maybe it was purely just by coincidence. I looked back up at the angel and the demon.

"Cheers." I said, raising my glass with a smile.

"To the world." Aziraphale said cheerfully.

"To you." Crowley whispered, looking at me.

At that moment everything felt right. It had all fallen in to place. Since the moment I first saw Crowley at the convent hospital we had been trying to stop Armageddon and, now, we had done it. I couldn't help but smile. My life had taken a few turns but right now, I couldn't be happier if I tried. I had an amazingly kind best friend, so much more knowledge about the world, and a person who I cared for more than anything on the planet.

I had Crowley.

And he was all I would need forevermore.


-/-A/Nwow, i can't believe we have finished! it feels kinda weird

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wow, i can't believe we have finished! it feels kinda weird. i loved writing this book so much and i really hope u liked reading it. thank u to every one of u who voted and commented, it means a lot.

well......... i guess this is goodbye.......

thank you again for reading this and being so kind,

chloe :)

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