Chapter 19

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Harper's POV

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Harper's POV

After a few more moments to commemorate the loss of the Bentley, Crowley and I returned to the others, his hand still in mine. As we walked closer we saw an army officer standing by the entrance with a gun.

"Ahh, Crowley, there you are. This young man won't let us in." Aziraphale said, turning to face the demon and I.

"Leave it to me." Crowley said; striding forwards. He was clearing loving his moment.

"Army human-" Crowley began but just as he started talking, a group of kids rode quickly past us on their bikes.


The army officer turned away from us, trying to stop the children but it was no use. "Okay, those kids are in big trouble." He said. "And so are you people. Don't move!"

The officer ran off after the children and we took our chance. Aziraphale, Crowley, Shadwell and I ran past the fence and into the air base. Crowley took one last sad look back at the broken Bentley.

The four of us walked confidently in a line through the base. It was really happening, the day I had been thinking about for ages. The day we try to stop Armageddon.

"We are here to lick some serious butt." Azi said, still going with the 'confident vibe'. I couldn't hold back the laughter and Crowley whipped his head around.

"Kick, Aziraphale, kick butt for Heaven's sake." Crowley explained, before the meaning of what Aziraphale said hit him. "Oh! I can't believe you just said that!"

The conversation was interrupted by the loud noise of a motor bike. I quickly turned around and saw four strange people also entering the air base. They had an eerie feeling around them, they weren't with us.

"The four horsemen of the Apocalypse." Crowley whispered, staring at them.

The one on the left was a woman with bright red hair. Next to her was a dark skinned man who was tall but thin. Next came another woman with short, bleached white hair. Finally, a man dressed all in black. He gave off the worse feeling. He had a strange sense of control over everything without even doing anything. I wondered what his face looked like; under his bike helmet.

The four children we saw earlier walked over to meet them. The two groups had certain similarities; it was something I couldn't quite explain.

"It has begun." Crowley said. "One of those kids is the antichrist."

As soon as he said that, a boy stepped forwards. He had a look about him, a look of control. At that moment I was certain.

It was him. He was the Antichrist.

Crowley and Aziraphale seemed to have realised as well. The three of us edged closer to the two groups, close enough to hear their conversation.

"I didn't ask for it to begin." The young boy said.

"Your very existence demands the ending of the world." The black figure with the helmet on said. His voice was horrible, it sounded unnatural, un-human.

"You can make the world anew. Think of everything you could have, everything you could rule over." The red haired woman said.

We edged closer, desperate to hear the conversation. It was going well until-

"What is going on?" The voice of the woman whose body Aziraphale was using came out of his mouth, showing everyone where we were.

The Antichrist walked up to us.

"Excuse me, why are you two people?" He asked plainly.

"Uh, long story." Crowley muttered.

"You see, I was in my bookshop-" Aziraphale started in his kind voice but the boy interrupted.

"- It's not right." He said bluntly "You should go back to being two separate people."

Within a second, Aziraphale was back along with the other woman.

"Oh, that made me go all tingly." The angle laughed with a smile.

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