Chapter 29

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Harper's POV

My brain was still not believing what had happened. Crowley, a demon, was a sitting in a bath of holy water and nothing was happening to him.

I stood there, my mouth wide open. Crowley grinned and lifted up his head to meet my eyes across the room. He smirked even more and winked at me, sending the familiar butterflies swarming through my stomach. Crowley then turned his attention to the crowd of demons who were just as confused as I was.

"What are you all looking at?" He asked sarcastically, "There's nothing to see here."

Crowley laughed and splashed his hand around in the water, the water that was meant to kill him instantly. Crowley caught my gaze again and gave me another warm hearted smile, to which I returned.

There was an unspoken feeling of relief and compassion that lit up both of our eyes. It was the best feeling ever. I knew I never wanted to be apart from Crowley again.

All of a sudden, I heard the horrible, raspy voice of Lord Beelzebub ringing through my ears.

"What in the name of the all powerful Satan is going on?!" They cried out in hate. "Crowley!! What have you done? How is this possible?! It's holy water, the very substance which can end every demon in a matter of seconds!! How...!" Beelzebub shouted in shock.

Crowley gave a small, sly smirk and addressed the Lord. "I think," he started off, "I think it would be better for everyone if I were to be left alone in the future. Don't you?"

He smiled sarcastically at Beelzebub and the other demons, who where clearly frightened by Crowley's ability to survive holy water. The Lord of the Files save a small, defeated nod and said no more.

"Now," Crowley began again, "I think that Harper and I will be off now, it was nice meeting you again." He said with a smirk.

Crowley climbed out of the bath and clicked his fingers, miracle-ing himself dry and in to other clothes. The demon walked over to me and grinned his usual, mischievous grin.

"Shall we?" He said, interlacing his fingers through mine.

"We shall." I replied with a smile.

Crowley clicked his fingers one last time, transporting us out of the horrible depths of Hell and away from everything that had happened there.


As soon as we left the disgusting place, I took a breath of clean, fresh air, letting it fill my lungs.

I opened my eyes and saw that we where in a small park in the middle of the busy streets of Soho. The park was the same park where Crowley, Aziraphale and I got kidnapped by the angles and demons, however, today it seemed a lot nicer. Many of the plants and trees were in bloom so the park was framed beautifully in white and pale pink flowers.

My eyes went over to one of the park benches, occupied by a man dressed in a white suit.


Instantly, a huge smile formed on my face at the thought of seeing one of my best friends again. I ran over to the bench and immediately wrapped my arms around the angel, incredibly glad that he was alright.

"Hello Harper." He whispered into my ear, making me smile even more.

"Harper," Crowley said, turning my attention to him, "We have something to tell you."

I looked up and searched his face for any sign of what it was but I couldn't find one.

"What happened?" I asked, suddenly concerned that it could be something bad.

"Ummm, I don't really know how to say this but-" Crowley stuttered but Aziraphale interrupted him.

"-It would be better to show you."

I looked at the angel and demon who were now sitting next to each other on the bench.

"Ok." Crowley muttered to himself. "Is anyone looking?" He asked, scanning the park for any other people.

"No." I replied tentatively.

"Ok then."

The demon slowly reached out his hand to touch Aziraphale's and they looked at each other in the eyes. Gradually, Crowley's black jacket started to turn white and Aziraphale's suit began to turn black. Next, Aziraphale's white hair changed to a shade of red and the opposite happened to Crowley.

"What the fuck" I gasped but before I could finish my sentence, Crowley and Aziraphale had switched places on the bench.

I realised what had happened.

"You switched bodies!!" I shouted out, probably a little too loudly. "Oh my God!"

Crowley (who was now actually Crowley) laughed at my reaction as I glanced between the two supernatural beings.

"Why?....Why did you change bodies?" I stuttered.

"Well," Aziraphale said, "just before we left to go to the park to get ice cream a few days ago, I was reading that book, The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, and well, I read something rather interesting: Agnes said that we needed to "choose our faces wisely" and Crowley and I, well, we took that literally."

"That's how it seemed like I was immune to holy water." Crowley continued, "It was actually Aziraphale and holy water has no effect on angels."

It was all starting to make sense. This was why the two of them were acting weirdly when we got ice cream. They had switched bodies to make it seem like they had special abilities, to scare the angles and demons. Their plan had worked.

"Just one thing," I asked, "why didn't you tell me?"

Crowley sighed and placed his hands gently in mine. "I wanted to tell you." He said, "But it could've put you in more danger."

I understood his point. And I didn't hold him against it. All I knew was that it was finally over. The angles or demons wouldn't bother us again, at least not for a while. I breathed a sigh of calmness for the first time in weeks as Crowley put his arm around my shoulders.

"Let me tempt you to a spot of lunch?" He whispered close to my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"Temptation accomplished." I let out a small laugh.

"Hmm...What about the Ritz? I believe a table for three has just miraculously come free." Crowley said.

"It would be my pleasure."

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