Chapter 23

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Harper's POV

There were a few moments of silence as the events of the past few minutes sank in.

Adam had defeated his father. Armageddon had been stopped. And we all survived.

I breathed out a contented sigh and smiled. I looked around and saw Aziraphale, he was smiling too. Then my eyes landed on Crowley. His dark sunglasses fell to the floor, drawing my gaze to his golden eyes, which never ceased to amaze me. Then I noticed something else: Crowley, a demon of Hell, was smiling.

I blinked a few times just to make sure that my eyes weren't playing tricks on me but when I realised they weren't I ran over and threw my arms around him, pulling him into a hug.

"We did. And I'm not dead." I whispered into the crook of his neck, laughing, which caused him to hug me tighter.

I pulled back from the hug so I could see his eyes as they glinted in the sunlight. Crowley was still smiling and that made me smile even more.

"I can't believe it." I said, not breaking the eye contact.

"What can't you believe?"

"I can't believe any of it." I replied, "I can't believe we stopped the end of the world. I can't believe that we defeated Satan. And I can't believe that-"

"That what?"

"That you're smiling." I laughed.

Crowley immediately realised that he was and tried to stop but he was no good, making you laugh even more.

"I'm not smiling. I am a demon, demons don't smile." He protested. "That's what Aziraphale's lot do, all the angels, they always smile." He said quickly.

I edged closer to him and gently placed a cold hand on his cheek, causing him stop talking. I brought my eyes up to his, taking in all the features of his face.

"Crowley," I said quietly, and he went silent. 

I looked again at his face, he really was very pretty, beautiful even, but I hadn't admitted it to myself until then. As we stood there I could've sworn that I saw the demon took down at my lips, but I pretended not to take any notice, because I was doing the same thing. I placed my other hand on the other side of his face, not breaking eye contact for a second. My heart was racing but I felt frozen. I slowly felt myself lean in, but just as I was about to move forwards, we heard footsteps heading in our direction. 

Quickly, Crowley and I jumped apart from eachother, now standing a few feet apart when Aziraphale came into view. He smiled at us and with that we left the air base and everything that happened there behind us.


It had been a few hours and Crowley, Aziraphale and I were all in the demon's stylish apartment. Aziraphale had to come back with us because his bookshop was recovering from the fire and at that moment, the angel was making a pot of tea in the kitchen, but he had taken about fifteen minutes.

"Harper," Crowley said, "I'm just going to go check on Aziraphale; make sure he hasn't done anything stupid in my kitchen." He said.

I let out a small laugh at the demon and angel's chaotic friendship. "Sure." I said, watching Crowley walk into the kitchen.

I sat on the sofa, left to my own thoughts as the demon and angel talked. I didn't want to eavesdrop so I tried not to listen but I heard them talking about something, and mentioning my name a few times,  their voices seemed quite concerned.

I knew it was wrong but curiosity got the better of me, like many times before. I got off the sofa and edged forwards towards the closed kitchen door. I heard Crowley talking but before I could listen, the door was flung open and Crowley and Aziraphale walked out of the kitchen.

I pretended to look at one of the house plants so they wouldn't get suspicious.

"Ummm, hi Harper." Crowley stuttered.

Weird. He never stutters.

"Hi." I replied, "Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah....everything in fine." Crowley said.

I looked over to Aziraphale who was just quietly standing there whilst Crowley did all the talking. My eyes darted between the angel and demon, something didn't seem right, something had changed. It was like they had walked into the kitchen and seen a ghost, they both seemed different.

Crowley seemed to notice me staring and smiled.

"How about we get some ice cream?" He suggested cheerfully.

What the fuck was going on?

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