Chapter 20

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Harper's POV

I stood close to Crowley as the four horsemen of the Apocalypse walked towards us. It was time for Adam to decide who his real friends were.

And I could tell he had.

So, the Antichrist, three human children and a former Hell Hound, faced Death and three monsters who came
from the minds of humanity.

War stepped forwards towards Pepper and scoffed.

"Little boys with your toys." She said patronisingly.

"I'm not a boy." Pepper replied stubbornly.

War walked even closer, trying to intimidate her.

"I am War. You were made to serve me, to live in me and die in me." She shouted.

"My mum says that war
is just masculine imperialism executed on a global stage." Pepper said, still standing her ground.

"Just run home and play
with your dollies, little girl."

"I do not endorse everyday sexism!" Pepper shouted.

"We're Adam's real friends. Not you lot." Wensleydale said, gaining more courage.

"Yeah, you're a joke." Brian added.

Pepper went forwards, giving War a harsh glare.

"I believe in peace, bitch."

That was all it took. War had been overcome, she no longer had any power over us. At that moment, I realised that all you needed to do to defeat the horsemen was to say exactly the opposite of what they signified.

Next it was Brian's turn. He walked up to Pollution and shouted, "I believe in a clean world!"

"And I believe in food and a healthy lunch!" Wensleydale yelled at Famine.

Three out of the four horsemen were gone, powerless. Now there was only Death left standing.

His eerie voice rang through the deserted air base. 

"You have stopped them temporarily, but they will be back." He said, talking about the other horsemen. "We are never far away."

He edged closer and Crowley positioned himself in front of Aziraphale and I. 

"I am creation's shadow." Death continued, "You cannot destroy me, that would destroy the world."

Death opened his dark raven- like wings and silently took off into the darkness.

He was the being that would never die but would eventually kill every other creature. Of course we could never defeat him. But at least he was gone for now.

"There. You see, Crowley?" Aziraphale started, "It's like I've always said it's over-"

"-Oh, it isn't over." Crowley interrupted. "Nothing is over. Both Heaven and Hell still want their war."

Crowley turned away from Aziraphale and pulled me off to the side.

"Harper, I want you to go home." He said without even looking at me.

"Oh come on you can't be serious? " I laughed.

I didn't understand he would even think that. I had been through everything with them, we had travelled around the country, we had deciphered prophecies and, for God's sake, Crowley and I had driven through a ring of fire.

"Crowley, there is no fucking way I'm leaving. I don't care that I'm not immortal, I'm doing this." I said.

"No Harper. You have to go. You can't stay here." He said coldly.

"Crowley." I shouted. The demon looked torn, he didn't know how to feel. 

Crowley looked up to meet my gaze but he still had his sunglasses on. I hoped with all my heart that he would say something; do something. 

But he didn't.

"All of this and right before the end, you ask me to leave?" I said, my hurt now turning into anger. "If you didn't want my help, couldn't you have just left me alone. I never asked you to tell me about all of this that day at the bookshop. I wish you'd never involved me. We both would've been happier." I stated, trying not to show any emotion. I didn't mean what I said but it all just fell out.

I looked at Crowley once more then said, "Goodbye Crowley. Next time you ask for someone's help, don't change your mind." 

I had no idea how I was going to get home, but I didn't want to stay with someone who didn't want me there. I've always being good at knowing when it's time to go. 

But I was walking away out of the airbase when I heard footsteps running up to me. 


Please no. 

I whipped my head around to face the demon, who had run after me. Why was he doing this? Couldn't he make up his mind? It was giving me emotional motion sickness. 

"Crowley. Make up your mind. Do you want me or not?" I asked loudly. 

"Harper, please stay." he said, walking up to me, "I told you to leave because...I don't want you to die. I don't want you to die because you have been such a good friend to me. I've never understood being mortal properly but all I know is that, for you, death is final. It scares me, the whole concept. I told you to go because I didn't know how to tell you that. It's difficult for a demon to tell people things." 

He stood there in front of me, breathing heavily. Now he was the one waiting for me to say something. 

"Crowley-" I wrapped my arms around him. I've never been one for hugs but I didn't know what else to do. Crowley never ceased to amaze me. He was a demon yet he was so very human in the way he acted. I could feel him smiling which made me smile too. 

After a few moments I lifted my head up, "Right, let's do this." I said and we walked back over to Aziraphale, ready to face Heaven and Hell. 

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