Chapter 3: A New Team

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The day of the Graduation Exam had past and now the day of the Graduation Ceremony had taken place. Y/n sat in her seat eagerly waiting for her group to be called. She fiddled with her fingers as she looked forward with a serious gaze.

"Congratulations to all of you here today. When we call your name we will tell you your designated group. Your jonin will soon after come in and you will officially be a team. Your jonin will instruct you further directions." the teacher began to call out names, and the kids the class left the small classroom in groups.

"Team 9! Neji Hyuga. Rock Lee. Tenten. And Y/n Uchiha. Your a squad and your jonin will be-" the teacher was cut off by a loud bang. Soon a man in a green jumpsuit and bushy eyebrows came into the room with his thumb up. He shot a sparkling smile that beamed with confidence and youth.

"It is I MIGHTY GUY!" he said. No one knew how to react. They just stood there with blank faces, most of them were confused.

"Please call me Guy sensei!" his squad made their way out of the Academy. The goofy man lead them to a forest.

Suddenly, without warning Guy sensei launched at the four pre-teens and swept them all in one kick. He then jumped back and stood in a taijutsu stance.

"Come at me with all your youth!" The first one to spring up was Neji. He began with his gentle fist, but Guy sensei countered every hit.

"Tch" Neji said. Y/n then joined the fight, using  fire ball jutsu. But that level could not stop Guy sensei. Soon, the boy named Rock Lee came after with taijutsu and Tenten started with throwing a few shurikens. She didn't miss, but Guy countered with substitution justu.

The four of them charged at Guy sensei, each taking turns at him to hit. But no one could seem to stop them. The realization hit them. This was the life of a shinobi. It wouldn't be easy and there were abundant of shinobis superior to them. They began to grow tired with each hit. Guy sensei was just too fast. The four backed up panting and huffing.

"Yes! Oh the wonderful youth! Come at me with everything you got!" Guy sensei yelled. The four let out a scream and trudged toward him. Neji hit his stomach with his Gentle Fist. Rock Lee used a taijutsu hit on his shoulder. Tenten punched his side as y/n punched his face. All the hits were extremely weak, but just as they were about to collapse, Guy sensei pulled them into a tight hug.

"Oh the youth! You all pass! I love you guys already!" he yelled as he picked up all four of them. Neji, y/n, and Tenten looked as if they were suffocating while Rock Lee was crying.

"We did it!" he let out a cry.

"That's it for today! Let's meet up at 6:30 in the morning on the roof of the Academy." Guy sensei dismissed them.

"Hi I'm Y/n Uchiha. You're Rock Lee right? You're taijutsu was pretty impressive." she walked over to the shorter boy with bushy brows and smiled. Lee blushed at the sudden compliment.

"Hm. That's me Rock Lee. And I'm going to be a great shinobi without ninjutsu or genjustu." he said with a confident smile. Y/n smiled and fist bumped Lee. Neji glanced over at the two socializing and furrowed his eyebrows together. He walked over to them.

"Pft. You can't become a shinobi without ninjutsu or genjutsu." he said. Why did he say this? Was it because of his family circumstances? Or was it because of jealousy? Or perhaps both. He himself did not know at the time. Lee pouted ignoring the comment.

"Sorry about that. He's just tired." y/n said apologizing on behalf of Neji. She then followed Neji. Tenten went over to talk to Lee once she had finished picking up her weapons.

"That was rude Neji." y/n said. He ignored the comment and continued to walk on. Y/n decided to ignore him as well after not receiving an answer and made her way home to cook some dinner for Sasuke and her.

~Time Skip to the Next Day~

The newly formed team sat on the roof and began introductions.

"As you already know I am Guy sensei. But I would like to know you guys and your goals. How about we start with you. The gloomy one on the right." he said pointing to Neji.

Neji let out a sigh and said, "My name is Neji Hyuga and my goal is to surpass the head family. But I doubt I can do that for my fate is already set as a branch family."

"Hm. Okay. Anyone else?"

"I'm Rock Lee and I want to be a great shinobi on taijutsu alone because I can't use ninjutsu or genjutsu." Lee exclaimed without a hint of shame.

Neji shook his head. "You can never be a shinobi on taijutsu alone."

"Let's be nice now." Guy responded to Neji's snarky comment.

"I'm Tenten and I want to be a strong kunoichi just like Lady Tsunade of the 3 Legendary Sannin." Tenten then said. It was finally y/n's turn to speak. She had never gave much thought to her goals and her anxiety started to rise. She sat there staring at the sky deep in thought and scared for her life.

"Y/n. Y/n it's your turn." Tenten said.

"Oh sorry. My name is Y/n Uchiha and well... I want to be a shinobi that my parents are proud of." Guy sensei gave her a thumbs up. Y/n liked that about Guy. He didn't judge. Most people would give her pity or resent. But she would rather have people's hate than their pity. Pitying meant being looked down upon. Being seen as unfortunate so therefore gained special treatment. Because people felt guilty. Guilty that they had a better life than a 12 year old girl. And because of that guilt they pitied her.

"Now let's race down to the forest! The loser must do 1000 pushups while the rest does 500. Then we'll do 500 squats and kicks!" Guy sensei exclaimed running down the Academy.

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