Chapter 24: Smirk

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Shikamaru had started to cry but was interrupted by his dad. Y/n let them be, patiently waiting for Neji. Anko and a medical ninja came out of the room where Neji was in. Y/n rushed over to them with a concerned look on her face.

"Is Neji okay?" she asked, her voice wavering.

"He should be fine now. We healed his wound. He just needs some rest." Anko replied. Soon after Neji was being pushed, put on a carrier and sent to a room. Y/n followed closely behind as they put Neji on top of the bed.

"May I stay here for the night?" she asked one of the nurses who was setting everything up.

"Oh you can but I don't want your parents to get worried." the nurse answered.

"It's okay. No one's waiting for me at home."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. Let me set up a bed." then the nurse left to get some sheets and pillows for the bed next to Neji's. Y/n then pulled up a chair next to Neji and sat down. She bent over, resting her arms on the bed as her head laid on her arms. He was still unconscious. The room was silent. The only sound was the falling and rising of their breathes. The silence was then disrupted by the nurse coming back to set up the bed. She left shortly afterwards.

Y/n was still sitting in the chair resting her head on his bed as she drifted to sleep.

~Tine Skip Next Morning~

The Hyuga boy groggily opened his eyes and let out a big yawn. He looked around, observing his surroundings until his eyes met y/n's face. There was hair covering her face and tears stained her cheeks. He tucked away a strand of hair from her face behind her ear. This caused the sleeping girl to gently wake up. Her eyes flickered opened only to be met with white eyes staring at her. A/N: Byakugan literally means white eye. In the show it looks lavender bc it would look weird if it was all white, also there are hints of lavender because of the lighting and shading. You could look it up if u want.

"N-Neji?" she said yawning.

"Sorry did I wake you?" he asked.

"Just a little. But I'm okay. How are you?"

"Sore." he said and was about to bend over to give y/n a kiss but was stopped by her finger.

"What?" he asked, disappointed.

"You broke your promise." she pouted.

"Oh come on y/n." he said whining.

"No. You need to learn your lesson for breaking a promise. It's your punishment."

"Please princess?"

This caused her to stop for a moment and blush. He used this as a chance to steal a kiss from her. Leaving her pouting and blushing.


"Yes princess?" he asked teasingly. He lifted her chin up so that her eyes met his. Her whole face grew bright red. Neji let out a smirk.

"Oh my princess is so adorable when she's flustered." he said, still not breaking eye contact. Y/n was too embarrassed to say anything.

"I know you liked that. Do you want another?" he said seductively. She averted her eyes and moved her head to the side as her lips pouted. She did want another kiss but did not want to give in to Neji. He turned her chin back to him.

"Look at me when I'm speaking. Now yes or no?" he asked. The pressure on y/n was too much. His eyes pierced her, making her feel intimidated. She finally gave into the pressure and slightly nodded her head.

"What was that princess? I couldn't hear you." he now leaned in closer to her face, their lips inches apart.

"Y-yes." she gave in. Neji flashed a quick smirk before connecting their lips. He nibbled on her bottom lip for a bit. Y/n opened her mouth, trying to pull away for air. But Neji didn't let her and instead took it as an invitation to explore her mouth. She could feel his tongue exploring her mouth and let out a moan. Their tongues intertwined and they finally broke away, leaving a trail of saliva connecting to each others mouth.

"That wasn't very punishing. That was more rewarding." Neji remarked as he licked the trail of saliva off. Y/n looked down sheepishly.

"Well I care about you. And I g-guess since you're injured I wanted to make you h-happy." she responded. He then pulled her in for another kiss. Their tongues wrestled for dominance. Neji obviously winning. He pulled away and began kissing her neck, leaving a couple of hickeys. Y/n let out a little moan which made Neji smirked.

"I love you y/n."

"I love you too."

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