Chapter 32: Admiration?

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The next 2 days Naruto had already set out on a mission which disappointed y/n since she was a jonin and rarely got any S rank missions. But she heard that the Akatsuki had infiltrated the Hidden Sand and was targeting Gaara.

"Lady Tsunade please let us go assist Naruto." she begged.

"No. He just left yesterday. I don't want to add unnecessary assistance." Tsunade replied.

"But Itachi might be there. And I know him. And if Itachi's there there's a chance that Sasuke will be there. And I'm their cousin!" she continued.

"Fine I'll put you on standby! I'll call you if the situation gets worst. But you're dismissed." she said firmly.

So on that note, y/n waited. No missions since she was on standby. She trained and waited. Her team had all gotten considerably stronger. Especially Lee. The next day Tsunade called Team Guy over.

"You called for us?" Guy sensei said.

"Yes. There's a problem. Gaara has been taken and Kankuro is in no condition to fight. Team Kakashi is already in pursuit. I need you to assist them." Lady Tsunade explained.

"Lucky you put us on standby." I remarked.

"Yes I must admit I should have dispatched you guys earlier. Anyway. Set out for the Hidden Sand to assist Team Kakashi." she said.

They quickly packed for the matter was urgent and set out right away. They travelled at an incredible speed. Lee had wanted to get there within one day but Tenten objected.

"We'll stop here for the night." Guy sensei said. They made good progress and was halfway there already. They made a campfire and ate their food. Of course Guy sensei and Lee went to bed early.

"Imma head to sleep now." y/n said. She felt agitated and was overthinking every possibility if Sasuke or Itachi was there and needed to rest.

"M'kay. Goodnight." Neji said.

"Night y/n." Tenten said.

Tenten and Neji sat around the fire staring into the burning flame.

Tenten glanced over at Neji. His face was illuminated by the glow of the burning fire.

"How are you and y/n?" Tenten asked, sparking a conversation.

"Good." he replied. She simply nodded, still staring at him.

The next day they set out again but was abruptly interrupted by an Akatsuki member by the name of Kisame.

"So we meet again." he said to Guy sensei.

"Who are you?" Guy sensei asked in reply. Kisame looked disappointed. He was a tough opponent but y/n put up a good fight. She just barely countered each one of his swings but before she knew it she ran out of chakra. His sword drained her chakra. After fighting for a bit Kisame had trapped them in bubbles.

They held their breathes as Guy sensei fought Kisame. It was a breathtaking battle. But luckily Guy sensei won and they were released from the bubbles. Neji caught Tenten for she was at her limits.

"Are you okay Tenten?" he asked her.

"Y-yeah. Thanks Neji." she replied.

Has he always been this nice? To be honest he is really handsome. What am I thinking? He's with y/n. Tenten thought.

They walked over to Kisame's body but it wasn't Kisame. It was shinobi from the Hidden Sand.

"That's very strange." Guy sensei observed. We all nodded but decided to leave it and continued on.

By the end of the day they had arrived at the Hidden Sand and met up with Team Kakashi. The next day they headed out in pursuit for Gaara.

~Timeskip after this mission bc im too lazy to write action rn and that mission does not benefit the relationship of y/n and Neji~

All was well and the situation was resolved. Y/n was a bit disappointed that it wasn't Itachi. The yellow haired Akatsuki member named Deidara had kept shouting the whole time which annoyed y/n.

"TRY TO CATCH ME FOXY BOY!" Deidara would shout at Naruto. When Team Guy had finally caught up with Kakashi and Naruto, Sasori was dead and Kakashi was sucking Deidara into his Kamui with his Sharingan.

"Bahahaha! Suck it Barbie boy!" y/n shouted at Deidara.

"Oi shut up!" he yelled back as he was being sucked into the Kamui.

-At the Hidden Leaf-

Sasori had given a lead on Orochimaru and Naruto was ecstatic. Y/n had been drained from the last mission and wasn't too excited about the news.

"Imma head home." she said to her team. They said their goodbyes. Lee and Guy sensei had gone to train.

"Wanna grab something to eat?" Tenten asked Neji.

"Sure I guess." he replied.

The two of them headed over to dumpling shop. Is this wrong? Why did I even ask him? It's just the two of us. Ever since the "Retrieve Gaara" mission I've been nervous around him. Tenten thought. They ate their dumplings and headed out.

A drunk man stumbled out of the bar next to the restaurant and threw a beer bottle in the direction of Tenten.

"Watch out." Neji said, putting his arm around Tenten and ducking down with her as the bottle flew over their heads and crashed into the wall. Although this action was simply out of friendship and help for a comrade, Tenten's face was bright red and her heart was racing. He's so amazing! she thought.

"Th-thanks." she said. He simply nodded and let go of her.

"I should go check up on y/n." he said. The realization hit Tenten once more. That's right. He was her bestfriend's boyfriend. She didn't have a chance. Did she even like him? Or was it just simple admiration. She couldn't tell, but the feeling frustrated her. She felt empty. A bit lonely.

"Oh yeah. You should go check on her. Are you gonna tell her we went to eat today? She might get jealous."

"She trusts me and I trust her. And y/n trusts you. You're a fellow comrade. It's normal for friends to hang out right?"


And on that note Neji went to y/n as Tenten was left alone.

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