Chapter 28

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Here's the finale you've all been waiting for! Enjoy!

"Discuss?" Izuku asked, not sure where their conversation was headed. He was convinced that his mother would never tell him to break it off with Uraraka, she had been so excited just minutes ago, but now she was looking kind of serious and it threw him off.

"I know that this is your first girlfriend and that you are both young, but there are things that you need to be careful about." Inko started off so calmly that Izuku felt his stomach churn. Something was wrong – he could feel it all the way into his soul.

"We need to talk about sex and how you-" She put a comforting hand on her son's arm, not aware of the effect her words had on him.

"MOM!" Izuku all but screamed and flung himself onto the opposite end of the sofa. It felt like his face was on fire and he wanted to jump out of the nearest window. Since his mom lived on the fourth floor, a jump like that would be fatal unless he used his quirk to save himself. With the direction their conversation was taking, he wasn't sure he was going to.

"I'm not- We're not going to- We don't!" Izuku could have died from embarrassment right then and there.

"Hush, you. You're both teenagers and hormones can do funny things to your minds. I know that you're a responsible person and that you and Ochaco are going slow, but intimacy is a normal part of a relationship and I just want you to be prepared." Inko explained and smiled inwardly at Izuku's extreme embarrassment. Her son had grabbed a cushion from behind him and was using it to cover hide his face.

"Mom, please!" Izuku pleaded, on the verge of tears. He had resolved to be completely honest with his mom that day and he should have seen it coming that he would have to listen to 'the talk'. Izuku was a bright boy and he already knew how reproduction worked, so technically speaking he didn't need to have this conversation.

"No." Scratch that, Izuku didn't want to have the talk. For the next forty minutes, he tried his best to become one with the couch and tried not to die from sheer embarrassment. He would never be able to face Uraraka again and their relationship was only a few days old.

"I am telling you this so that you are prepared and know what to do, Izuku. I am happy that you are taking it slow and I want you to treasure Ochaco always. Just don't get scared of getting closer to her." Inko leaned over and dropped a kiss on the top of his head and got up to prepare dinner.

Izuku stayed on the sofa for a while, absorbing what his mother had told him.

Was he scared of getting closer to others? Sure, he had never been good at making friends before coming to UA, but Izuku thought himself decent at getting to know others. Maybe it was different when it came to having a girlfriend? He was pretty sure his feelings for Uraraka were quickly evolving into more than simply liking her. He also wasn't blind to the fact that he was physically attracted to her, she was a pretty girl after all, but would he be scared of intimacy? He had liked holding hands and kissing her, so that was okay, right?

A little ball of fur jumped onto his lap and yawned widely, before curling around itself and settling into a nap. Coco's warmth and slight weight on his legs made him smile and he remembered how happy Uraraka had been when she met the kitten. Maybe he should bring her over again? His mother had also been asking so many questions about Uraraka every time they spoke, she would probably be happy to see her again. But if his mom started asking her embarrassing questions or also gave her the talk, he would never live it down. Maybe it was a bad idea the first few months.

"Izuku, could you give me a hand with this jar?" His mother called to him from the kitchen and startled him out of his thoughts.

"Of course!" Izuku carefully lifted Coco off his lap, hating the fact that he had to disturb her sleep and went to help his mom. Luckily, the kitten was a heavy sleeper and didn't mind being jostled a little.

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