Chapter 9

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During the 5 minutes Ochaco had spent standing in the hallway, she had realized a couple of things. Her clothes weren't completely soaked, but still enough that she would likely catch a cold if she stayed in them. She should take of her jacket, which had offered her some protection. She didn't have any spare clothes in her bag, not even a sweater. The Midoriyas realized the same thing and started panicking about what to do. Deku was the spitting image of his mother. The list went on.

"Uraraka-san, why don't you take a shower? I'll lay out something for you to wear." Deku's mother suggested. The kind woman had handed her a soft towel to initially dry herself off with, but upon noticing how wet the young girl's uniform was, she immediately wanted to hang it to dry.

"Are you sure? And please, call me Ochaco." The brunette had replied. Her hair was a tangled, wet mess and she actually wouldn't mind a hot shower, but this was the first time she was meeting Midoriya-san, and she really didn't want to impose.

"I insist! I don't want either of you to catch a cold." The kind lady frowned looking from her son to his friend. She still had one towel draped over her arm and with determined eyes, she turned around and headed out of the entrance.

"I agree. It's better if you get out of your wet clothes, Uraraka-san." Deku spoke up from beside her. At some point he had bent down and picked up something from the floor and Ochaco finally noticed the purring mass of fur between his hands.

"Coco!" She nearly squealed in delight. Ochaco had always loved animals and kitties were no exception. She stepped closer to Deku who gently held out his palms where the kitten was curled up.

Its dark eyes were looking closely at Ochaco as she approached. The kitten had dark grey-brown fur on its body and head, while its face and underbelly were completely white. She was small enough for Deku to hold her in both of his hands without dropping her and she looked incredibly comfortable. Ochaco, who knew a thing or two about cats, stopped a few steps away and slowly turned her head to the side, revealing her neck. As a child, she had never quite understood the need for mutual respect between a human and a tiny cat, but now she knew better.

If she was going to become a licensed hero in the near future, she would have to willingly put herself in situations where she was completely vulnerable and in danger. It was only a matter of coming out on top. As Ochaco turned her head back, she noticed Deku's gaze resting on her and she felt the urge to look away. A tiny meow could be heard and Coco the kitty leapt down from the green-haired teenager and down onto the floor. She slinked past Ochaco, but stopped momentarily and regarded the brunette. She was standing a few centimeters away, but cautiously moved forwards and sniffed the hand Ochaco had bent down to offer her. Seemingly satisfied, Coco turned around and padded out of the entrance.

"What just happened?" Deku asked in a whisper. He had watched the interaction between the kitten and his friend, but hadn't quite understood its significance. He turned his eyes towards the brunette who had resumed patting her hair dry.

"Coco decided I wasn't a threat. She'll probably come back when my clothes aren't dripping with water." Ochaco answered and pointed to the small gathering of water from where she had been standing still.

"Oh." Deku grinned. He finally realized that they were still standing in the entryway and prompted Ochaco to follow him. After discarding her shoes, she followed the freckled boy inside the apartment and started looking around.

The living room was moderately sized and was separated by a dining table which then led into the kitchen, like in their dorm. Ochaco had come to like the open-concept kitchen and living rooms and the Midoriyas' home was no exception. It was cozy and gave off a very soothing feel. The walls were decorated with pictures of Deku ranging from his time as a toddler and all the way up to the present. The couch had several pillows and a throw over one arm, which made Ochaco want to cuddle up next to someone and watch a movie. The coffee table was bare save for a box of tissues and the remote to the TV. She stepped closer to some of the pictures on a dresser next to the wall and they were of Deku with his mother. They looked happy together, she realized.

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