Chapter 27

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Sorry that this chapter has taken so long to come out. I've been insanely busy with school. I hope you enjoy! This is the second to last chapter sadly. You guys are the best readers ever.

Ochaco's day had started as it usually did. She had woken up, browsed the news and checked the sales before she got out of bed and got ready for school. Breakfast had been with the other girls as usual and then she had headed to classes after she briefly crossed paths with Midoriya. During the day the brunette had tried her best to pay attention to her teachers, but her mind had been wandering all over the place. She had spent a great deal of time thinking about the little girl Eri's impending rescue and an equally big amount of time thinking about Deku.

The brunette continuously found her eyes drifting towards him and she had to force herself to look up at the blackboard, but no matter what she did, Deku invaded her thoughts. Ochaco knew she was crushing on him hard and she had a feeling he also had developed feelings for her. Just from watching his interaction with other girls, it was clear that Ochaco was special to him. There were also all the instances where they had shared kisses as of late, so the brunette was confident that he returned her feelings.

She watched him form the corner of her eye and was careful not to be caught staring, the other girl would tease her to no end if they found out about how close she had gotten with Deku. Ochaco turned her head the slightest and saw the object of her affection frown in concentration as he chewed on the end of his pencil. He must have found the answer to whatever question had been asked for his entire face lit up with excitement and his hand shot straight up in the air to answer.

Ochaco adored this side of him. He always worked so hard and inspired others to do the same. The few classmates he had tutored – including herself – had all improved their grades and had made Midoriya so happy with the results. The brunette returned her gaze to her desk and did her best to focus her attention back to the lesson. In front of her Iida was scribbling away in his notebook and flipping the pages in the textbook at inhuman speed until he found what he was looking for. Ochaco took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. She couldn't afford to fall behind when Deku and Iida had spent so much time helping her. With renewed resolve she started filling out the pages in her notebook.

During lunch Ochaco wanted to eat with Deku and Iida, but her green-haired friend was dragged away by Kirishima and Kaminari, which was an odd sight. Brushing it aside, Ochaco headed to the cafeteria with Tsuyu, Iida and Todoroki and spent her break with them. Despite being engaged in conversation, she constantly found herself searching the cafeteria for a mop of green hair and freckles. She only saw him again when lunch break was almost over and she had returned to the classroom.

For their afternoon break, he disappeared with Iida and Todoroki and returned after a while, lagging behind his two friends. His face was tinged red for some reason when he entered and Ochaco was itching to ask where he had been, since neither Iida nor Todoroki had known where he had disappeared off to during lunch. Deku looked up just as the brunette was about to call out to him and waved a little. Ochaco had barely taken a step forwards when she was interrupted by someone behind her.

"Uraraka~, come with us for a second." Mina called in a singsong voice before wrapping her arms around Ochaco's waist and dragging her backwards.

The brunette let out a protesting noise, but Mina was ridiculously strong for a slim girl and easily dragged her away. Ochaco looked pleadingly at Deku who had paled at the sight of Mina's forcefulness. Poor Midoriya stood frozen in the doorway while Ochaco mentally prepared herself for an interrogation. She had felt eyes on her all day long and was prepared for the onslaught of questions the other girls might have for her.

Once they had reached the back of the classroom, Ochaco was released from Mina's grip and was instead circled by all the girls. Tsuyu steadied Ochaco with a comforting pat on the back and the brunette sucked in a deep breath when Ashido spoke in a hushed tone.

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