Chapter 2

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When Izuku had returned to his room he couldn't stop thinking about Uraraka's nightmares. He knew that the two of them weren't the only ones affected, but none of the others had spoken up about having nightmares or other problems so maybe they were handling it themselves. Back to the problem at hand, Izuku was contemplating what he could do for Uraraka. He hadn't really confided in anyone about his own nightmares, so it was unlikely that she was going to accept professional help. Well, at least not right away.

'There must be something I can do for Uraraka-san...' Izuku racked his brain for so long that he actually fell back asleep for what felt like an hour, but turned out to be five.

The next time he woke, sunlight was filtering in through the window and his clock read 7:32 AM. Rubbing his tired eyes, Izuku sat up in bed and yawned. He had slept fine the second time around and the solid five hours had left him feeling more refreshed than he would have thought. As he swung his legs out of bed, he grabbed for his phone to check if his mom had texted him as she usually did and he was surprised to see an additional text from Uraraka.

Thanks for staying up with me last night. The hot chocolate made me fall right back asleep! As always her text included various emojis and left a smile on Izuku's face. Then it suddenly occurred to him why he had been so affected by Uraraka's behavior that night. She was usually so expressive in anything she did, so it had freaked him out a little that she had been almost stone-faced. Izuku shook his head to get rid of the thoughts and typed a quick reply before getting up and starting his day.

On his days off, he would usually visit his mom and even spend the night at home, so the green-haired teenager got dressed for his morning workout and headed downstairs to see if any of his friends were up yet. He usually worked out first thing in the morning and then ate a big, healthy breakfast. Lately Iida had joined him on his morning runs, where he tried to match Izuku's pace, or rather, where Izuku tried to keep up with the engine quirk user. They had been practicing cutting corners at high speeds and the class president was slowly, but steadily improving.

'Maybe I should ask Uraraka-san to join us. The extra exercise might be able to help her sleep better.' Izuku was waiting patiently for the elevator to arrive while going over his workout routine in his head. He was supposed to report his progress on quirk control to All Might the following day and had planned to hit the gym after his run. The elevator finally dinged open and he left the floor and was out the door after greeting the few early risers.

After a successful workout, Izuku returned to his room and showered. Their personal bathrooms weren't the most spacious so he preferred showering in the shared bath, but after an intense workout he would rather wash up in the privacy of his own room.

Meanwhile Uraraka had been having breakfast with the rest of the girls save for Mina, who was a heavy sleeper. She had woken up when her stomach had growled loudly and demanded a sacrifice, so she had groggily gotten out of bed and started her morning routine. She had grabbed some yogurt from her fridge and finished it while she read the news and checked her social media.

Ochaco had forgotten to check the daily coupons and weekly deals before bed last night, so she was absentmindedly scrolling through her favorite money saver app. She rose to check the contents of her fridge and decided to buy some groceries later that day, but first she would gather up some of the girls and see if anyone wanted to join her. Ochaco's shoulders still felt stiff from the previous night and she rolled them a few times to loosen them up. She could really use a massage.

She had slept better than expected despite having been up half the night. Ochaco remembered the hot chocolate Midoriya had made for her and decided she would buy some peanut butter and try to recreate it. That way she could treat him to some of her own if she ever returned the favor. She felt a rush of warmth as she recalled the worried glances he had sent her, she really was lucky to have such an amazing friend. Not only had he been worried about her, he had also stayed and taken care of her even though he didn't know what to do for her. She had been grateful for the company and had slowly forgotten her dreams and just listened to him talk.

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