Chapter 8

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Uraraka had been asleep for close to an hour and Izuku's left arm had gone numb. He checked his phone every few minutes with his right hand, hoping that enough time would have passed so he could wake her up without feeling too guilty. The green-haired teen tried flexing his fingers on his left arm, but all he felt was needles prickling him all the way up to the shoulder.

Every once in a while, she would frown or let out a small sound, but other than that Uraraka was fast asleep. Izuku felt like a horrible human being for enjoying the way her body was leaning on him and the feel of her weight pressed to his side. Her head was still on his shoulder, but it slipped down a few centimeters after a while. He hoped she wouldn't wake up with a crick in her neck.

Izuku frowned and considered carrying Uraraka to her room, but he wasn't comfortable with just grabbing her and bringing her upstairs. For one, it would be inappropriate of him since she was asleep and couldn't consent to letting him carry her. Aside from his moral issues, there was also the possibility that the brunette had left her room locked and he didn't know where she kept her keys. He would die before he searched her pockets and decided to just give her some more time to rest before he would wake her.

Just as he had come to decision, the door to the stairway creaked open and a beam of light swept unto the floor. The light momentarily blinded him, but he was able to distinguish the silhouette of one person with very spiky hair standing frozen in the door.

"What the fuck are you two doing?" Kacchan's voice was a low growl that sent chills down Izuku's spine. If the room had been better lit, Izuku would have seen that his red eyes were narrowed to slits.

"K-kacchan, it's not what you think! Uraraka-san just fell asleep while we were sitting, nothing else!" Izuku explained in a hushed tone, trying his best not to wake the sleeping girl on her shoulder. She didn't seem to have been disturbed, so now Izuku only had to convince the explosively tempered boy that he wasn't taking advantage of Uraraka.

"Ah?" He didn't sound convinced and drawled out the sound. Bakugo shut the door behind him and stomped to the kitchen and Izuku stared after him, puzzled by his reaction, or rather lack thereof.

Katsuki had just wanted to get some water or juice to soothe his dry throat, he hadn't expected anyone to be up and sitting in the lounge area. Seeing Deku and Uraraka all cuddled up had rubbed him the wrong way and instantly worsened his mood. Grabbing a carton of milk instead, he poured the liquid into a glass and glanced over at the dark corner of the lounge where he could make out the shape of Deku.

He was pretty damn sure the nerd was telling the truth, but he felt angry just looking at them. Why the fuck did Deku have to be sitting there and see him awake at this hour? Katsuki could care less why the shitty nerd and Round Face were sitting there, but he'd be damned if he let Deku see the dark circles under his eyes. It was bad enough that Kirishima kept pestering him about not getting enough sleep, he didn't want the shitrag to start crying about it too.

Katsuki downed the milk and washed the glass before placing it back in the cupboard. The blond ground his teeth and made his way back to the lounge so he could head back to his room. He preferred taking the stairs all the way up to his floor and saw it as effortless training rather than a tedious task. As he passed, he noticed that Deku was trying to untangle himself from Uraraka, and he couldn't help but growl in annoyance as he stalked out of the room and back to the staircase. Fricking Deku, always popping up everywhere. Katsuki just wanted to be in a nerd-free atmosphere, but no, even when the green-haired nerd was supposed to be sleeping, he was sitting there babysitting Round Face and doing God knows what. They could all go to hell, Katsuki had better things to do. Like sleeping.

Izuku had wanted to explain the situation to Kacchan, but the angry boy had gone to the kitchen and returned before Izuku could free himself from Uraraka's surprisingly strong grip on his arm. The blond had left the room without a word, but had still sent a murderous glare in their direction. Izuku knew that Kacchan wouldn't care why the two of them were in the common room instead of sleeping, but he still wanted to explain it to him. Sitting back, Izuku sighed in defeat. There was no getting through to Kacchan no matter how hard he tried, and frankly, he didn't have the energy to deal with the blond's temper.

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