Chapter 10

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Izuku wanted to die from embarrassment. First of all his room. Secondly, he had thought it was his mother who had entered his room, not a brunette who could manipulate gravity at will. That was probably what had happened, Izuku figured. Uraraka-san had walked in and used her quirk to make his embarrassment feel 20 times heavier. Wait, could she even do that? Did her quirk only allow her to make things weightless or could she also increase the gravitational force on them?

"Man you really are passionate about becoming a hero." Uraraka laughed lightly, making Izuku's face explode from heat. He was pretty sure steam was coming out of his ears by now.

"I-have-wanted-to-become-a-hero-ever-since-I-was-a-child-I-just-kept-the-posters-to-remind-myself-of-my-idols-and-as-motivation-oh-god-I-am-so-embarrassed!" The speed of Izuku's words nearly broke the sound-barrier, but it seemed like Uraraka had caught everything since she was able to reply.

"Why are you embarrassed? It looks almost identical to your room at the dorm." Uraraka tilted her head sideways looking puzzled.

"Oh... right." He had forgotten that nearly everyone in his class had seen his walls plastered with posters and numerous figures scattered about. Izuku just thanked the heavens he hadn't brought his All Might bed sheets with him to his dorm room – that would have been a disaster.

"So this is your old room." Uraraka stepped deeper into the room and looked around curiously. Coco meowed from the middle of the bed where she had climbed up and was lounging.

"Y-yeah." It felt odd to have someone other than his mother inside his room. Izuku couldn't remember the last time he had brought a friend over or if he ever had. He could feel himself fidgeting.

"It's nice." Uraraka turned and smiled softly at him, making his knees weak. Her smile was so pretty and it always caught him off guard. Looking for a distraction, Izuku glanced away and spotted the article of clothing he had been searching for before she came in.

"Mom thought her clothes might be too big on you, so I figured this would probably fit better..." He trailed off as his face turned redder. Izuku had picked up the hoodie off the floor and was holding it out to her, when he noticed that Uraraka's borrowed shirt had slipped down her shoulder and left it bare. Uraraka seemed to notice that as well and quickly pulled the shirt back up, a flush coloring her cheeks.

"T-thanks!" Ochaco's voice was a little high pitched and she probably grabbed the hoodie a little too fast, suddenly very eager to wear it.

She seemed to struggle a little with getting it over her head, but after wriggling around a little she had it sorted out. The light grey hoodie was snug against her chest and the sleeves covered most of her hands, but it was soft and warm. It also smelled like Deku, much to Ochaco's delight. It was a clean and subtle scent that tickled her nose when she inhaled. She sighed quietly in content, which Izuku mistook for a defeated sigh.

"Uraraka-san... Is everything all right? Your eyes are kind of red..." The green-haired teen hesitantly reached a hand out and lightly touched the side of the brunette's face. His fingers felt cool to the touch.

"Y-yeah. I just... uh, got shampoo in my eye?" Ochaco finished lamely as Deku's hand dropped back to his side. She already knew that he wouldn't buy her white lie, but now was not the time to have that conversation. She was fine now, and she promised herself that she would come clean and tell him, but they couldn't talk about it here and now. She caught another whiff of his scent from his hoodie and continued.

"I'm fine honestly, but there is something I need to... discuss with you, but not right now." Ochaco insisted and looked straight into his eyes. She could see that his worry subsided a little, but also that he wasn't entirely happy with having to wait. Coco trilled again from her spot on the bed and reminded the brunette why she was there in the first place.

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