Chapter 18

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When Midoriya had called him and asked him to help out, Sato had not expected to see the mess before his eyes. Midoriya usually didn't call him directly, opting for text messages instead, but seeing the degree of chaos in the dorm kitchen made Sato happy Midoriya had called promptly. Somehow the top students of class 1A had managed to turn the kitchen into a warzone – casualties included – and completely ruined three batches of cookies.

"What happened?" The baking enthusiast asked apprehensively as Iida tended to Todoroki and Kaminari, handing them glasses upon glasses of milk. Batter was smeared all over the surface of the counter the three boys had been working on and in some places it was caked with flour.

"Sato-kun! Thank you for coming so swiftly, it seems that we were unsuccessful in baking and could really use your expertise and guidance!" The class representative shouted in his usual boisterous manner and adjusted his glasses, effectively wiping flour across his cheek.

"How did you mess up so badly? What even are these?" Rikido had made his way to the counter and picked up one of Todoroki's gigantic flat discs that bent on the middle where his fingers were.

"My cookies." Todoroki offered as an explanation, not catching the rhetorical question.

"Didn't you follow the recipe?" Sato heaved a sigh. He would have to teach them how to make proper cookie dough and he was almost certain it was going to end badly.

"We did, but somehow each batch turned out to have a different problem." Midoriya finally came forth, having been hiding in the background. He kept throwing nervous glances over his shoulder towards Kaminari, who was surprisingly quiet, but observing Midoriya's every move. Sato didn't even want to know.

"If you clean up you messes, I'll show you how to make proper cookies." Sato steeled his resolve and decided to make it his mission to teach his classmates the art of baking.

"Understood! Todoroki-kun, help has arrived! Let us take this opportunity to absorb as much knowledge as we possibly can and improve our technique!" Iida's motivational speech made Ashido, Kirishima and Sero snort with laughter. Leave it to Iida to get pumped up over baking. Sato ushered the onlookers out of the kitchen, not wanting them to disturb his lesson.

"I also wanted to learn and improve my technique!" Ashido complained as she was pushed along by Sero, who had had enough fun for the day. Jiro, Kaminari and Kirishima also followed, talking amongst themselves.

"You just want to watch them mess up and you already know how to bake. Don't you have to finish our math homework?" Sato waited patiently for the pink-haired girl to move along.

"But math is so boring!" She mumbled and let herself be guided by the tape user, only once dropping backwards with all her weight so Sero nearly dropped her.

"Yes, yes, I know. You hate math and want to do something fun instead." Sero huffed as he struggled to pull Ashido upright. She stopped fighting him and stood up on her own feet, complaining the rest of the way to the sofas.

"Alright, are you ready?" Sato smiled inwardly at Ashido's antics, but turned around and addressed his classmates with a serious expression. All three nodded and Rikido started explaining the process to them.

"Why? How could this happen? They followed the recipe..." Sato mumbled and put his head in his hands, not wanting to accept reality.

"I'm sorry Sato-kun, even after you helped us, we still messed up." Midoriya apologized for the umpteenth time. The poor boy had done everything he could to ensure that he followed the recipe, but had somehow ended up with something entirely inedible. Todoroki and Iida hadn't been able to salvage their cookies either.

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