Chapter 11

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Shoutout to Ghostzombiejesus01 and Shslibukimiodastan for following me and motivating me to write more! You guys rock! :D

I'm so nervous about the math quiz next week!" Uraraka exclaimed as they helped Izuku's mom prepare for dinner. The teenagers were prepping vegetables while Inko readied the rest.

"We can go over some of the topics again if you like." Izuku offered. He and Todoroki had planned to solve some problems over the weekend to practice, and he was sure the hybrid quirk user wouldn't mind Uraraka joining them.

"Really?" Uraraka looked at him with stars in her eyes and the knife nearly slipped out of his grasp. She was standing so close to him that her hair tickled him whenever she moved her head.

"S-sure." Izuku laughed and returned to chopping up the carrots he had in front of him. He could faintly feel his mother's gaze on his back, but he pretended not to notice. Uraraka didn't seem to notice that his mom was observing them quietly and he hoped it would stay that way. He didn't want her to be embarrassed by his mom, when he knew that she meant well. They discussed some of the topics Uraraka wanted to revise for a few minutes, before the aspiring hero noticed that his mom had gone quiet and had her back to him.

"What's wrong mom?" Izuku asked as he watched his mother hastily rummaging around the shelves of the refrigerator. He stopped chopping carrots and placed the knife on the cutting board before walking over to his mom, who was looking confused.

"I'm sure I had taken shrimp out to thaw, but I can't find it anywhere." Inko remembered pulling the bag out of the freezer and placing it inside the fridge very clearly. She just couldn't see it anywhere.

"We can just leave out the shrimp." Uraraka suggested, coming to stand next to Izuku. She didn't mind that there was no shrimp, the brunette loved fried rice in any way, shape or form.

"I guess so..." Inko frowned. She really couldn't understand what had happened to the shrimp, but she'd make do without it. That was until Izuku spoke and surprised her.

"I'll go to the store and get some more, mom!" He volunteered and was already halfway out of the kitchen before she could even react. Inko smiled at her son's retreating back. He had always been like that.

"He's always like that, isn't he?" Ochaco was looking in the direction as Inko when she voiced Inko's thoughts. The brunette's expression had softened to something fond and... caring? Inko didn't dare call it anything else lest it be wrong, but she had an inkling that something was going on between her son and the young girl. She was a woman and a mother to boot, so her intuition was usually spot on.

"Did Izuku ever mention how I got Coco?" Inko turned to the brunette with a smile of her own. She wasn't sure Izuku had told anyone how they came to look after Coco – he was too humble to do that.

"No, he just told me that you had always wanted to own a cat." Ochaco thought back to the first time she had seen the picture of Coco, but she could only recall Deku saying as much.

"Izuku has always had this penchant for finding and saving lost pets. Coco's mother was one of the neighborhood strays that Izuku knew and sometimes even fed. There was a storm a few months ago and he found her trapped under some iron pipes near a construction site on his way home. Of course Izuku heard her cries and came to her rescue. He took her to a shelter and made sure she got medical attention and then he found out she was carrying a litter. He helped take care of her and even printed out flyers to help with adoption for the kittens after they were born. The only kitty that wasn't adopted was Coco and Izuku was so sad about her not finding a new home that he convinced me to adopt her." Inko's heart swelled with pride as she retold the story. He might still be her baby, but to that family of cats he was a true hero.

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