Kirishima always Meddles

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Bakugou was pacing his dorm room. He had a crush on the nerd? The person who he bullied? So what if Midoriya had forgiven him. There was no fucking way, he would ever feel the same way as Bakugou. This was bad. This was really bad. He could just stop hanging out with the nerd. Stop studying with him. But... Bakugou didn't want to. He couldn't just stop hanging out with the nerd because of his own selfish feelings. He just got him back. Which meant he was either gonna deal with these feelings until they went away on their own... or he would have to confess.


There was no right answer. One option slowly kills him, the other gets him rejected and kills him immediately. Bakugou opened his eyes. He was no coward. He could deal with a rejection. But then again... this wasn't a rejection from some random extra, this was Deku he was talking about. His biggest fear since elementary school was Deku's rejection of him. If Deku rejected him, there was no way he'd survive.

So he wouldn't tell him. He'd study with Deku like everything was normal. He'd be Deku's hero partner. He'd stay by Deku's side. But he wouldn't confess. Not on the nine circles of hell.

Meanwhile, Midoriya was staring up at his ceiling. How was he ever supposed to deal with this? For goodness sake, Kacchan just stopped hating him. If he found out Midoriya had a crush on him, everything they had worked for would be destroyed. They wouldn't be a hero duo. They wouldn't even be friends. Midoriya couldn't lose Bakugou again. Not again. So he would have to stay quiet.

But how in the world was he supposed to keep studying and training with Kacchan as if nothing had changed? Like he didn't realize his feelings (with Uraraka's help of course)? He didn't know. But he would do it. He would stay by Kacchan's side no matter what. He'd keep studying with him. He'd keep training to be his hero partner. He would be his hero partner. He would stay by Kacchan's side, even if it eventually killed him.

Kirishima was confused to say the least. Bakugou had come back to the dorms today after visiting his parents and he looked... drained to say the least. He looked like he had just learned the worst news of his life. And what kind of best friend would Kirishima be, even if he was second in Bakugou's eyes, if he didn't check on Bakugou.

So Kirishima knocked on Bakugou's door. "Hey Bakubro, are you okay? Can we talk?"

The door opened, Bakugou stared at him silently. No screaming or yelling or explosions. No "Shitty hair" or "go away" just silence.

Kirishima frowned and pushed his way into Bakugou's room, not that Bakugou stopped him.

"Ok. What's wrong? You're never this quiet."

"I'm fine, Shitty hair. Now get out." Bakugou said, sitting on his bed.

"No, you aren't fine. Why do you seem so down? This isn't you." He couldn't see Bakugou's face but when he heard a sniffle, he crouched down in front of him.

"Let me help you. Now what happened."

"I saw the old hag. I was trying to figure out... some feelings. I didn't- if I- I wish I didn't know."

"Bakugou... What type of feelings."

"-ush" Bakugou mumbled.


"I have a crush."

"Isn't that a good thing? I didn't even know there was a girl who could catch your eye!"

Bakugou looked at Kirishima. "It's not a girl."

"Oh. Oh! You mean..."

"It's a guy."

"That's okay man! Liking a guy is totally manly! So who is it?"

"No one who would ever date me."

"What? What makes you say that?"

"No one."

"That isn't an answer. Come one! We're best bros! You can tell me!"

"Not happening, Shitty Hair."

Kirishima sighed. "Fine, so are you planning on telling him?"

Bakugou shook his head. "We're just friends."

Kirishima's jaw dropped.

"...You just admitted to being friends with him..."

"Yeah. No shit."

"Damn, you must really like him if you're admitting to being friends with him." Kirishima headed to the door, "ya know Bakubro, if you really feel that strongly, you should probably tell him. If you're close enough to the point where you admit you two are friends, then I doubt it would change much if he didn't feel the same way. Just saying."

Bakugou pondered this as Kirishima walked about, closing the door behind him.

Ding! Bakugou looked at his phone.

From: Shitty Hair

You could always confess at the festival. During the fireworks ;)

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