Enemies to Best Friends in One Afternoon

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"Ha!" Bakugou screamed, "Take that nerd!"

"No fair! How are you so good at this?"

Bakugou and Midoriya had given up on studying for the night, instead opting to play some video games and just hang out. Bakugou had won almost every round, except for the one round Midoriya won by pushing Bakugou over in the middle of the round. He hadn't done it again given how Bakugou had tickled him for it. He had begged for mercy for a good 10 minutes before Bakugou let up, smirking as the nerd kept laughing, little tears coming out of his eyes.

"Hey Kacchan."

"Yeah nerd?"

"I'm hungry. Do you want to go get something to eat?"

Bakugou glanced at the nerd out of the corner of his eye, refusing to take his eyes completely off the screen, lest he lose.

"I don't really feel like dealing with any of those extras. But I'm hungry too."

"Maybe we could go to this little cafe that's a few blocks from campus! I found it a few weeks ago." Midoriya snuck a glance at Bakugou, "They have spicy curry."

Bakugou smirked, "and here i thought you didn't like spicy foods."

"I don't. But they also have really good Katsudon."

"You and your Katsudon." Bakugou paused the game and put down his controller. "Come on nerd, let's go."

After a calm walk to the little cafe, the two UA students sat down at a table in the back. There were little fairy lights strung up on the ceiling, and overall the place was pretty empty. Not too surprising for 7:00 on a Monday evening. Most people were at bigger restaurants or still at work. They sat in comfortable silence as they ordered their food.

"Do you remember the festival that we used to go to as kids?" Midoriya said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah. I had to teach you how to throw a ball hard enough to knock down the milk jugs."

"And I had to teach you how to be quiet enough to catch a goldfish." Midoriya smirked back.

"Tch. I suppose. Why do you ask, nerd?"

"It's coming back this year. I think most of our classmates are getting together to go this year. I was wondering if you were coming too."

Bakugou sighed a bit. "Yeah, nerd. I'm coming too. Mostly getting dragged by those idiots."

Midoriya giggled. "Just admit it Kacchan, you like their company! Otherwise, they wouldn't be 'dragging' you anywhere."

Bakugou glared at him. "I'll never admit it."

"I'm pretty sure by saying you won't admit it, you're basically saying it's true."

"Damn you."

"Eh, I'm pretty sure if anyone is damning me, it won't be you."

Bakugou choked. "Did you just curse?!"

"I grew up with you! Of course I can curse!"


They burst out laughing. It was nice, hanging out like this again. It felt as if they had never stopped being friends. They got along too well, like two pieces of the same puzzle.

Their food came a few minutes later. Midoriya thanked the waiter, kicking Bakugou to do the same. They settled into comfortable conversation in between bites. Their conversation moving between classes at UA, different schemes their classmates had gotten involved with, and some old memories. They finished their food long before their conversation stopped. And it only stopped because the cafe closed at 9:00.

"9:00! Kacchan, curfew is at 9!"

Bakugou and Midoriya looked at each other, eyes wide.


They sprinted for it. The two boys sprinting down the quiet streets. Bakugou glanced at Midoriya and smirked, running faster. Midoriya saw Bakugou pick up speed and smiled, eyes glinting with the challenge, and brust forward. They took turns being in the lead, each pushing themselves further to beat the other out.

And then they made it to the dorms.

"I win nerd!" Bakugou whisper-shouted at Midoriya.

"No way! I won!" Midoriya whisper-shouted back.

"Yeah, yeah nerd. Keep dreaming. Now, how are we getting in without letting Aizawa know we were out past curfew?"

Midoriya studied the dorms, pulling Bakugou to the back of the dorms, where he could see his own dorm.

"Ok, so my dorm is on the third floor, and uh, I kinda forget to lock the door to the balcony. So If you get on my back, I can use my quirk to get us up to my dorm."

Bakugou stared at him. "I hope this works, nerd."

Bakugou climbed onto Midoriya's back, hooking his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist. Midoriya activated his quirk, pushing himself from one balcony to the next, almost silently. Bakugou silently admitted he was impressed. The nerd's quirk had gotten a lot stronger and he had a lot more control than he did their first year.

"We did it!" Midoriya whispered as they landed on the Balcony.

"Yeah, good job nerd."

Bakugou got off of Midoriya's back and followed him into his room. Bakugou looked around as Midoriya turned on the lights. The nerd wasn't lying when he said he cut down on the All Might merch. There were only one or two posters, the rest of the walls being covered with pictures of him and his friends. Along with a few notes on hero quirks.

"Dang. I left my stuff in your room." Midoriya said, pulling Bakugou out of his thoughts.

Bakugou looked at him. "Grab some pajamas and your uniform. You can just stay in my room tonight. I don't want to risk us getting caught going back and forth between rooms."

Midoriya and Bakugou snuck into Bakugou's dorm. They were lucky no one had woken up or was out in the halls for some reason. Midoriya and Bakugou changed into pajamas, Bakugou in his room and Midoriya in the bathroom.

As Midoriya was in the bathroom, Bakugou grabbed his laptop and headed over to his bed. He picked out a movie on Netflix and made sure there was enough room on the bed for both of them. As Midoriya came out of the bathroom, he patted the bed.

"Come here, nerd. We're watching a movie."

Midoriya smiled, and sat on the bed next to Bakugou. He was in silent bliss. He and Kacchan were finally friends again! They were watching a movie and hanging out like they used to when they were kids!

Bakugou pulled him closer, so he wouldn't fall off the bed and covered them up with a blanket. He started the movie, Midoriya leaning on his shoulder.

Bakugou could see Midoriya's eyes light up when he realized that they were watching an All Might movie. Bakugou couldn't contain a smile when Midoriya said word for word all the lines in a particular scene. Ok, scenes. He was pretty sure Midoriya had the entire script memorized.

Bakugou was surprised that the nerd made it through the entire movie without falling asleep. He shouldn't have, it was an All Might movie after all, but he had thought the nerd would be knocked out a good 10 minutes in. But here he was, eyes struggling to stay open, only at the very end of the movie, during the credits. Bakugou gently set the laptop to the side and pulled Midoriya down so they were laying down. Midoriya's eyes began to close, he didn't struggle against Bakugou's actions.

Bakugou couldn't help but smile down at him, pulling him to his chest so that he wouldn't fall off the bed, and falling asleep.

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