Chaos and Les Petits Amis

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The class was buzzing. Everyone had read UA's tweet on the hero duos, but no one could figure out who the second duo was! Everyone knew Kaminari had managed to get Shinsou to form a duo with him, but no one knew of anyone else that was planning on forming a hero duo.

"Maybe they're from class 1-B?" Mina asked.

"That is a very plausible suggestion!" Iida said.

Aoyama shook his head. "Not from what I've heard mon chèri."

"Oh?" Mina said. "And how would you know?"

Aoyama smiled. "I have my ways."


"Mon petit ami."

"Your what?"

Aoyama huffed. "This class needs to take french lessons."

"Fine." Mina said. "I'll start taking french lessons if you tell me who you got the intel from!"

Aoyama squinted at her. "You better be serious. Cheese tastings will be a part of the lessons."

Bakugou threw up his hands. "Oh for fucks sake! His boyfriend! He got the information from his fucking boyfriend!"

Everyone turned to Bakugou in surprise. Aoyama had his hand over his chest. "You didn't tell me you speak french!"

Bakugou glared at him. "I didn't exactly want to invite a fucking conversation."

"We'll get back to Bakugou speaking french and you having a boyfriend later," Mina said, "but right now, I need to know how accurate his intel is."

"Très précise!"

"I'm gonna assume that means 'very' and move on. That still doesn't tell us who the duo is."

"If we don't know then maybe we should keep out of it until they tell us." Iida said.

"But Iida, aren't you curious?" Uraraka asked.

"Yes, but if we don't know, then it's probably for a reason!"

Mina and Uraraka opened their mouths to respond when Aizawa walked into the class. Instead, they sat down, silently musing over who it could be during the entire lesson.

After class, Aoyama was cornered by Mina, Uraraka, and some of their other curious classmates for information regarding his "petit ami," allowing Bakugou and Midoriya to sneak away. Once they were far enough away they began to laugh.

"Damn we're good!" Bakugou smiled.

"Yeah, I don't think anyone was going to suspect us anyway. I mean Todoroki already made some comment about us being the least likely to form a duo and that was the first day it was announced!"

"Wait what?! That Icyhot bastard thinks we can't be a fucking duo!"

"Kacchan," Midoriya looked at him, "we don't exactly have a reputation for getting along."

Bakugou scowled. "Yeah I guess."

"Which," Midoriya grabbed onto Bakugou's arm, "it'll be an even bigger surprise when we show them just how well we work together!"

Bakugou smirked. "I suppose you're right... this once."

Midoriya laughed. "Come on, we need to train!"

Monoma really wanted to be a hero. He recognized that messing with the class favorites, the leaders of the bakusquad and the dekusquad, had definitely been a very stupid thing to do. It had taken him a good two weeks to convince Nezu, Aizawa, and Vlad to give him a second chance. A second chance that hinged on taking an anti-bullying class, community service, and the condition of a probationary period if he was allowed back.

And Monoma had agreed to it. In fact, the anti-bullying class was one of the best things he had ever done. Because they brought in students with a flare for drama, and as it turns out, there was a particular class 1-A student with a very dramatic flare for drama. Could he even use dramatic to describe a "flare for drama?" It was kinda redundant. But it was also very accurate.

It was Monoma's unfortunate luck to be paired with this particular class 1-A student for a couple of exercises. Unfortunate in the sense that Monoma now really regretted making class 1-A hate him. Because while this student didn't look like he could mess you up, he could be very very petty. And Monoma was on the receiving end of his dramatic pettiness many times.

However, as Monoma began therapy alongside his anti-bullying classes, he somehow managed to become closer with the class 1-A student. Once in a while, they'd hang out on the weekends. And it had become a habit for Monoma to bring him cheese every Friday.

Their friendship even managed to survive even after Monoma passed the class with flying colors, somehow managing to become the top student. It was after his "graduation" that they became a couple.

Now Monoma was set to be back in UA in class 1-C, with the potential of being moved back up to class 1-B in his second year. He had already apologized to classes 1-B and 1-C, but wouldn't be able to talk to class 1-A until his first day back.

Monoma really hoped he wasn't going to be obliterated.

Hehehe... oops... so um the end of this chapter was not planned like that but ya know, stuff happens. I guess Monoma is back now lol. Yes, this probably happened because of the pride special. Also, my brain and tiktok don't mesh. I now have two new story ideas on top of the one I was going to start after this one. lol, we'll see what actually ends up getting written.  Also, I'm planning to start updating every Saturday (maybe throw in an extra chapter sometime during the week if I have time). 

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