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Midoriya was lost in thought. He was going over the past duo-exam matches, noticing a changing pattern of how many heroes and which heroes were used. But when it came down to it, he wondered if Nezu picked which heroes they'd fight based on more personal aspects. If he did... Midoriya looked up, there was someone he needed to find.

Tokoyami was surprised when Midoriya knocked on his door. They were friends, had a couple of floor sleepovers sometimes, but the look on his face wasn't exactly a "lets have a sleepover!!!" look that he sometimes got. Tokoyami couldn't really place the look on Midoriya's face.

"Tokoyami, how much do you know about Hawks?"

Midoriya smiled, thanking Tokoyami as he left his dorm. Tokoyami had been more than helpful, assuming Midoriya's interest was just for his hero notes. Afterall, everyone knew how much Midoriya loved his hero notes. Midoriya hummed, heading to Uraraka's dorm next. She opened the door, more than happy to see him, but stopped short when she saw the look on his face.

"Uraraka, could you teach me a couple of the moves you learned from Gunhead?"

Uraraka was sweaty and panting by the time Midoriya was satisfied with what she taught him. He gave her an excited smile and adorable grin before thanking her and running off. Uraraka smiled, she was glad to have helped, but she couldn't help but wonder why Midoriya was suddenly interested in Gunhead.

Todoroki was not expecting Midoriya to burst into his room, normally he at least knocked. Though his surprise quickly turned to mild concern when he saw Midoriya's face.

"Todoroki! We've been friends for a while, and you're like one of my best friends now, and I was wondering if I could call you Shocchan?"

Todoroki blinked. "As long as I can call you Izuchan."


Midoriya's smile blinded Todoroki, though he couldn't help but think that Kirishima's was slightly more adorable. He smiled slightly as Midoriya hugged him and settled down to talk to him for a bit, interestingly enough, about his sperm donor's quirk.

"Kirishima!" Midoriya was running down the hall to Kirishima, a notebook in his hands. "I was wondering if you could tell me more about your work with Fatgum?"

Midoriya ended up learning more about Fatgum than he thought he would, he also learned quite a bit about Crimson Riot. Don't get him wrong, his analyses on the two weren't bad by any means, but Kirishima's unending fanboy of Crimson Riot and personal work with Fatgum helped him gain insights he hadn't originally thought of. He left Kirishima on the elevator, waving goodbye with a grin.

Jirou was a bit concerned when Midoriya came up to her looking like he was about to either murder someone or hug them to death. Though she supposed the latter counted towards the former. She was however, more interested when Midoriya began asking her to help him with completing a thorough analysis of Present Mic's quirk. He had most of it down, but with Jirou's personal experience with a sound based quirk, he wanted her opinion on some of his theories. Jirou was happy to comply.

Aizawa needed coffee. Scratch that, he needed more coffee. His problem child had cornered him after class, immediately besieging him with questions over his quirk. Some of which even Aizawa didn't know the answer to. It got worse when he asked to spar with him. Aizawa had almost spit out his coffee, or maybe choked, when he asked. But, although he could feel the beginnings of a migraine, he stepped onto the training grounds with his problem child, already knowing this was going to be one hell of a training session.

Bakugou was concerned. Izuku had been running around the school like crazy, cornering a majority of their classmates. He couldn't help but chuckle at Mindfuck and Sparky's mildly terrified faces when Izuku asked them each a barrage of questions about their quirks. He swore he could hear the gears turning in his brain. In all honesty though, he was more curious why he was asking about their quirks and hypotheticals for if their quirks were slightly different. Familiarly different, but still different from what they actually were. Bakugou couldn't think of why the hypothetical quirk changes sounded so familiar though...

Midoriya, for lack of a better word, was vibrating. He was mumbling at a thousand words a minute and he didn't even know how he was able to write so fast, but his notebook pages were being filled quite quickly. He grinned as he mumbled, putting together plan after plan of how to take down hero after hero. He and Kacchan were going to win. They were going to be a duo. They were going to destroy this exam.

Hi! So I might have mentioned a guardian angel deku fic I started and forgot about. A couple people asked if I published it. The answer to that is I haven't. Mostly because I want to rewrite the couple of chapters I have for plot reasons (I don't actually remember the original idea but I got a good one... I think). So that isn't out yet. I'm also still working on getting the ghost deku au ready but I'm excited for when it gets published!

Also, I love bakudeku. Obviously, as this is a bakudeku fic. However, I just read some vigilante deku and other fics where Bakugou gets punished for what happens in middle school, curtesy of dadzawa (like destroy all who hurt my problem child dadzawa with like a heavy focus on how amazing deku's analysis is), and I must say: I'm in love. 

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