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Thank you @AkataneSizzybkdk for Shinsou and Kaminari's hero duo name!

Shinsou stood in the exam waiting room with Kaminari, rhythmically breathing to keep from panicking. Their exam would start in less than five minutes and they still didn't know who they were going against. Shinsou almost wished Bakugou and Midoriya were going first. Almost; because he didn't want to have to go after whatever crazy-ass show they put on. That wasn't an act he'd want to follow.

    He spared a glance at Kaminari, who was smiling like an idiot. Shinsou couldn't help the small smile that overtook his face at the sight. Somehow, Kaminari always managed to calm him down. Sometimes without even meaning to.

"PLEASE WELCOME OUR FIRST HERO DUO: THUNDERSTORM! MADE UP OF CHARGEBOLT, OUR BELOVED LIGHTNING ROD, AND THE THUNDER THAT FOLLOWS HIM, SIREN!" Present Mic's voice sounded from over the speakers, Shinsou and Kaminari stood in front of the opening stadium doors.

Kaminari squeezed Shinsou's hand. "We got this."

"Yeah," Shinsou whispered, "we got this."

Shinsou and Kaminari walked out, finding themselves in a forest terrain. Trees surrounded them, keeping them from seeing their classmates looking down on them from the stands.


    Shinsou and Kaminari exchanged a glance. That... was not who they were expecting. Shinsou supposed he didn't really know who he was expecting them to go up against, but this, this wasn't it.

    "We need a plan." Shinsou turned to Kaminari. "From what I know, Hawks is a lot more talkative than Mirkio, and Mirkio definitely depends more on hand to hand combat. So if I can get Hawks to respond to me and stay still long enough for me to put the cuffs on, then we should be good there."

    "I could always just electrocute Mirkio when she attacks me and put the cuffs on her while she's down."

    Shinsou nodded. "Just try to make sure it's a glancing hit, or there'll be a chance that you'll be down for longer than she is."

    Shinsou paused, pulling Kaminari to the ground as one of Hawks's feathers impaled a tree behind them.

    Hawks landed behind them. "Ready heroes?"

    No. Shinsou thought. No, I'm not.

    Siren ducked as Hawks came after him with twin feather swords. He glanced at Chargebolt, who was keeping one eye on their fight, looking for an opening to shock Hawks, and the other on their surroundings. Mirkio still hadn't made an appearance. Siren pulled out the twin daggers Eraserhead had gifted him, he'd really have preferred Stain's katanas at this point, but he wasn't going to complain.

    Hawks wasn't tiring, but neither was Siren. All he had to do was keep him fighting, neither landing a hit was still better than Hawks landing one. Hawks dodged left, his movements creating a slight opening for Shinsou to slash with one of his daggers. A smile flashed across his face, disappearing as he realized Mirkio had joined in.

    "Switch!" Siren called, ducking under one of Hawks feather swords and rolling to take Chargebolt's place fighting Mirkio.

    He stared her down, eyeing her legs. One kick and he could be taken out of commission. He couldn't let that happen.

    "So," he drawled, "you Hawks's lucky rabbit's foot?"

    "Oh, hell no!" Mirkio approached him in a fury.

    Is annoyed at the idea of being a pretty face. Noted. Siren thought as he dodged, rolling away from one of her kicks. He could feel the connection snap into place. But he couldn't take control just yet, couldn't show them what his activation requirements are.

    He stared at her, doing a slight hop on the balls of his feet before slipping into control. "Take down Hawks."

    He slipped his daggers back into their sheaths as Mirkio turned to where Chargebolt and Hawks were fighting. He watched as Chargebolt dodged, Hawks stumbling back as Mirkio came in from the side, kicking him back.

    "The fuck⏤"

    Siren ran over to Chargebolt, watching as Mirkio and Hawks began to grapple. He pulled out his metal bow staff, tripping the mechanism for it to unfold completely. He really needed to thank Mei for that.

    Siren grabbed Chargebolt. "Charge them. Try to hit them when they're touching, so the shock hits both, but if you can't, try to hit Mirkio. I've got the quirk suppressant cuffs."

    "On your count?" Chargebolt's eyes glittered in determination.

    "On my count." Mirkio slammed a fist into Hawks's side.

    "One." Hawks swung one of his feathers up.

    "Two." Mirkio moved to wrestle it from his grasp.

    "Three!" Chargebolt struck, swinging to hit Mirkio's back as she tried to grab Hawks's wrist. The charge he sent down the bow staff sent Hawks stumbling back in a daze, Mirkio falling to the ground. Siren bolted forward as he felt his connection to Mirkio break, snapping the cuffs onto her wrists.

    Siren turned in time to watch as Chargebolt grabbed one of Hawks's feathers as it swung at him, sending an electrical charge large enough to bring Hawks to his knees down the feather. Siren pulled Mirkio up as he watched Chargebolt wrestle his own pair of cuffs onto a sluggishly struggling Hawks. He couldn't help the upward twitch of his lips as Chargebolt pulled Hawks to stand as well.


    "Good job you two!" Mirkio smiled at them, heading towards the exit. "I'd love to have you intern with me sometimes. We can brush up on some more hand to hand combat training. And on intimidating your opponents."

    "Hell yeah!" Kaminari cheered. "You never take interns!"

    "The fuck I don't!" Mirkio scowled at him. "I tried for that exploding pomeranian after the sports festival but he went with Best Jeanist instead!"

    Shinsou blinked. "Really? You seem more like his style. Less hair gel."

    Mirkio cackled, Hawks joining her. "Damn bitty bird! Aren't you sarcasm royalty."

    Shinsou smiled, bring an arm up to rest on Kaminari's shoulders. The other boy was smiling from ear to ear, making Shinsou's heart beat faster. His smile widened when Midoriya crashed into them, the rest of their class not far behind.

    "You guys did great!" Midoriya cheered.

    "Very manly!"

    "Yeah! Show 'em that the class 1-A hero duo will beat class 1-B's!" Mina's hands were on her hips, her smile wide.

    Shinsou shook his head. Little does she know. Bakugou caught his eye, a short 'nice one, Eyebags' barely audible over the rest of the students. Yeah, Shinsou thought, little does she know.

Sorry, this is a lot later than I thought it would be. (Internet issues in combo with the I hit save instead of publish issue) However, we're so so so close to the end!!! Also, 'Touch' the ghost deku au will also come out with the end of this book!

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