Jirou: the eye of the hurricane

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Monoma was expelled. His school record was now permanently marked with a note about his bullying. And class 1-A was buzzing. Mina stole some of Sero's tape to shut Kirishima up, only refraining from taping Kaminari's mouth shut because Shinsou managed to distract him (it didn't take much to quiet Kaminari, especially when it was Shinsou trying to shut him up. Iida was managing the rest of the class, even with all the questions zooming through his own head.

The only calm person was Jirou. She was scrolling through her phone, listening to music as her girlfriend helped Iida try to control the class. Nothing about Midoriya or Bakugou's behavior surprised her. They were dating, and from what she heard through the walls, it was a long time coming with a whole bunch of history there.

She was aware Bakugou and Midoriya had been childhood friends, but only once they started dating did she realize how close they had been and what went down between them and why. They had always wanted to look out for each other, maybe Bakugou had been pretty bad with expressing his concern (okay, really really horrible at it), and he and Midoriya had some emotional constipation going on.

But, they were really sweet when they were alone. She hated that she intruded, but it was a bit hard not to with her quirk. She heard about their dates, their feelings (she usually put on noise cancelling headphones when they began talking deep feelings), their plans, their innocent studying and video games. It was honestly cute how much they seemed to just enjoy being in each other's presences. It reminded her of her own relationship with Momo. Just guy-guy instead of girl-girl with a lot less tea and cookies. Though her relationship with Momo was obviously better (at least in her opinion).

She couldn't help but wonder when they'd come out to the rest of the class. After the past two encounters with Monoma, the rest of the class had to be realizing that their relationship extended past just friendship... though some of her classmates were a bit... dense. Todoroki looked like he was coming up with a new conspiracy theory, Jirou just hoped it wasn't something too crazy. Maybe he'd actually just theorize the truth this time? Please.

But the one thing Jirou couldn't do was get Monoma's words out of her head. He was right, All Might did show favoritism to Midoriya. But the thing is, that wasn't Midoriya's fault. That was All Might's fault. Maybe he had a good relationship with Midoriya, father-son almost though she wasn't stupid enough to believe Todoroki's 'small might' theory, but it was on All Might to treat all of his students the same and not show his favoritism. That was on him, not Midoriya.

Like the rest of the class, Jirou had a newfound respect for Midoriya. Finding out that he had been considered quirkless for years and still strived to be a hero was new information to her, but she could see it happening. Midoriya was probably one of the only people on Earth who could still strive to be a hero even as his best friend and the rest of the world wrote him off and bullied him for it. But she would never mention it to him. She didn't see a need to. He was quirkless for most of his life; so what? Midoriya is here now and he will be a hero, that's all that mattered.

So Jirou sat in her seat and read. Because she wasn't concerned, Bakugou and Midoriya would be there for each other, they always would be.

Ok, so when I first started this story, I assumed it was going to get like maybe 500 reads like my first book and was going to be finished within 20 chapters. Obviously, I was wrong. Hence why I'm at chapter 36 and still going (yes, 3 of those are my "escape from writer's block"). This was not the plan, (actually, this wasn't supposed to be my second book, it kinda just happened) and honestly, I never thought I'd write a fanfic before last semester, but this has given me more confidence in my writing, so thank you to everyone reading this! I've also finished one chapter of my next story... I'm really excited for it.

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