Everyone has a Question

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Aizawa liked to consider himself pretty observant, but when problem children 1 and 2 walked into class together, 30 minutes before class started, which was only normal for problem child number 2, he couldn't help but be stumped. There was no screaming, no explosions, no crying, just peaceful conversation that, dare he even think it, sounded like a conversation between two friends.

He was laying down behind the desk, trying to grab some extra sleep before class when they had walked in. Aizawa wasn't a morning person, actually he wasn't a day person, but he didn't think it was so bad that he would hallucinate. He pinched himself. Nope, he was awake. Which begged the question: what happened to cause this big of a change in one night?

Kirishima was confused. Normally, he would run into Bakugou, just leaving the dorms, try to convince him to stay, fail and end up eating toast. But today, Bakugou was nowhere to be seen. Kirishima looked at the time, he was only 5 minutes later than usual, so why in the world was Bakugou not here? He hadn't even heard the door open. Was Bakugou sick? The bakusquad hadn't been able to find him at all yesterday, and now he couldn't be found in the morning?

So Kirishima headed back upstairs, going to Bakugou's room. He knocked once. No answer. So he knocked again.

"Bakubro? Are you in there bro? I haven't seen you since class yesterday."

Still no answer. So Kirishima did what any concerned friend would do and tried the door knob, and when that didn't work, he nicely knocked the door down. Quietly of course. He didn't want to wake anyone.

But Bakugou wasn't in there. His room was generally clean and- was that an All Might poster? Kirishima shook his head. So Bakugou wasn't in his room. He should probably get Momo to help him fix the door before Bakugou sees it. So Kirishima walked off to find Momo with the lingering question in his head: where was Bakugou?

Kaminari did not consider himself stupid, but then again, he didn't exactly score the highest out of everyone in class 1-A. But hey, he did make it into UA, so he couldn't be that stupid.

But when Kaminari Denki saw Midoriya and Bakugou walk out of the dorms together, laughing, my goodness he saw Bakugou laughing, he knew there was no way he hadn't overused his quirk. Because Bakugou never laughs. Kaminari didn't even think Bakugou had the ability to laugh. So, assuming he had just hit his head too hard, Kaminari skipped breakfast and headed to Recovery Girl's office with a single question in his head: did he hit his head so hard that he thought he saw Bakugou laughing?

Jirou prided herself on her hearing. That and scoring Momo as a girlfriend. I mean, who wouldn't be proud to have a literal goddess as a girlfriend. But when she heard Bakugou and Midoriya playing video games, in Bakugou's dorm, she couldn't help but be shocked. Because that was definitely Bakugou's room the noise was coming from. And that was definitely Bakugou and Midoriya's voices. But why in the world were they together? In Bakugou's room?

She would have gone to Momo. I mean, that would have, should have, been her first response. But there was one last thing Jirou prided herself on, and that was her ability to keep her nose out of other people's business. So instead of obsessing over it, Jirou went to Momo's room. She wanted cuddles. But she did have one question in her head: did Momo have any of those really good cookies left?

Kirishima sets the Wonder Duo in MotionWhere stories live. Discover now