1-A unites

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Midoriya was furious. He was dragging Kacchan through UA's halls, up to the roof, with the rest of their class following behind. No one was talking. Midoriya was too mad, Bakugou was... probably too hurt, and the rest of the class was too shocked to talk. He led them straight up the steps and out into the sunny rooftop. He promptly led Bakugou to sit down on the concrete, sitting next to him and opening his bento.

"Is no one gonna talk about what just happened?" Kaminari asked. "Like Midoriya just went completely badass on Monoma and no one is gonna say anything?"

Sero nudged him, motioning him to shut up. Midoriya ignored him, looking at Bakugou's face to make sure he was okay. He wasn't. Midoriya could tell. He was quiet. Midoriya knew Monoma had just given Bakugou's worst fears life.

"You know no one here thinks you're a villain. Right Kacchan?"


Kirishima furrowed his brows. "No. No 'yeah.' Bakugou, bro, we care about you. None of us think that you're a villain and you need to know that."

"Yeah dude," Sero added, "we wouldn't hang out with you or bug you so much if we did."

"Yeah! Monoma's just a bitch." Mina said.

"Language!" Iida pushed up his glasses. "But she is right. Monoma is indeed a 'bitch.' And for the record, we are all well aware of why you push us so hard. It's hard not to respect you for it, even if you do put your feet up on UA's desks."

A small smirk flashed across Bakugou's face.

"Iida!" Uraraka turned to Bakugou. "He's right. You pushed me to my absolute limit in our fight, and I've become a better fighter for it. I learned more about strategy in that fight than I've learned in class."

One by one, each classmate reassured Bakugou that they didn't see him as a villain. Todoroki even claimed that he knew villainy, and since Bakugou was nothing like his sperm donor, he couldn't possibly be a villain, which earned him a laugh.

It was during this conversation that Aizawa snuck onto the rooftop. He watched his class from the sidelines, more proud of his students in that one moment than in any other. Figuring he wasn't needed, he snuck back into his classroom, prepared to let any late students off without so much as a warning today.

"I do have a question though, kero." Tsu said. Everyone paused to look at her. "When did you and Midoriya get so close? Usually you two can't finish a conversation without some sort of yelling."

Bakugou and Midoriya looked at eachother. Midoriya sighed and looked at Tsu. "We made up a few weeks ago. We're friends again."

"WHAT?!" Uraraka screamed. "You made up and didn't tell me?!"

"Dude!" Kirishima clapped Bakugou on the shoulder. "I knew sending Midoriya to study with you would help!"

"Yeah, yeah. Get off of me! And we should start eating before the bell rings for class."

Off to the side, Jirou sat silently. She knew about their secret romance, but if they wanted to stay in the closet, she wasn't going to be the one to out them. She smiled to her self before turning to her girlfriend for a hug.

That day, every single student of class 1-A was late for class. It was also the first day in UA history that Aizawa didn't even acknowledge the tardiness, nonetheless expel anyone for it.

However, per teacher protocol, which Aizawa found himself hating more and more each passing year, he did have to pull Midoriya aside after class. His only words being: "next time, don't let a teacher see you."

Ok, the comments on the last chapter are sending me lol! I'm so glad everyone enjoyed it! This one isn't quite as exciting, but it is pretty wholesome:) 

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