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ʚ|| Yuri's POV ||ɞ

   Tsukishima and I sat in the nurses office we had been bandaged up and cleaned up now we were waiting to be scolded once again but now by the principal and our parents. We had our own ice packs for different swelling areas.

   He wore the cracked glasses since that was his only way of seeing. There was tape wrapped around the center making him look more nerdy. I won but at what cost?He has broken glasses, he has a chipped took at the back of his mouth, a busted lip, a swollen eye. I mean he busted my lip too and bruised my eye along with ripped some of my hair out. Asshole.

The door swung and Mrs. Tsukishima ran in clearly worried for her child. She looked at him and he rolled his eye embarrassed silently telling her to stop worrying. I felt bad that I caused such a sweet woman distress. I've seen her once from the gate of the house as Yamaguchi and I waited for Tsukki so we could all walk to school, she waved over to us and sent her son out with cookies. She was a sweet and caring mother, I envied that. It was something I haven't had in years.

Both of my parents walked in and I glanced at them but they quickly looked away turning their attention to Mrs. Tsukishima and her son.

ʚ|| 3RD POV ||ɞ

"You two started a fight in front of Sendai city gym." The principal spoke. "Not only that but after the loss of the girls club, Yuri-san."
Yuri wanted to apologize but she couldn't force it out of herself and so she just looked at him with apologetic eyes.
"Including the fact that you broke Kei's glasses and chip his tooth, dentist bills aren't cheap and neither are the cost of new glasses."

   "We'll pay for everything." Mr. Sugawara said glancing at Yuri.

Mrs. Tsukishima watched as Mr. Sugawara pulled out the check book and a pen but she glanced at the girl and her mother, the mother not even taking a look at her hurt daughter. It broke her heart to see that poor girl being ignored in a time where a mother should be protecting her child.

   "No." Kei spoke and looked at Mr. Sugawara. "I-It was my fault, I-I threw the first punch."

   "Oh really?" He raised an eyebrow.

   "Yes sir." The blonde looked at Yuri. "She only hit me to protect herself and-"

   "No.." Yuri looked at her dad. "I hit-"

   Tsukishima threw the jacket at her. "It's only reasonable that I apologize for the trouble I caused."

Mrs. Tsukishima placed a hand on her son's shoulder proud of the gentleman that he has become, well not such a gentleman but he had a heart.
The principal looked between the two teens and at their parents. He had the same thoughts as the caring mother.

"Yuri-san is a good student." The principal began. "I've only ever heard good things from her teachers so neither of you will be suspended."
He crossed his arms. "But you two do need to be punished as an example of what the consequences of fighting can lead to. I have decided that since it's almost the end of the year your punishment will be to clean the supplies closets and restock them for next year."

   "So, we can still go to the graduation ceremony?" Kei asked and the principal nodded.

   The principal talked to their parents as they walked out. The two gathered their things and Yuri wrote something on a sheet handing it to Kei as she ran after her parents.
   Mrs. Tsukishima watched the family, they didn't talk to their daughter walking ahead of her and silently whispering to each other. She glanced at Kei and smiled at him just then Akiteru came.

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