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   Yuri was studying with Tadashi at his house, she often got distracted looking around and he would call her back but she still wondered why it felt like no one was living there except for the boy.
   Eventually she had to go home and he offered to walk her home but she quickly left without him. She didn't have to worry about the walk since she lived pretty close and rarely felt afraid of some one actually out to kill people.

   "You're pretty weak if you think about it." He wrapped his arm around the girl's shoulder.

   "Yeah, most guys are a lot stronger than you." She said glancing over at him. "You seem to be much better."

   "I am." He smiled. "How was school?"

She nodded. "Go home, Kōshi doesn't like it when you come over at late hours." She stopped in front of her house, the gate still closed.

He smirked and leaned down, she rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek. "Are you a child?" He asked and held her chin. "I want a real kiss, I'm better which means you can't get sick."

Yuri glanced at the house to see the car in the drive way. "My parents are home—" He rammed his lips against hers and she kissed him back.

"So much for spending time together." He said in between their long kiss.

She pushed away as the front door opened and out walked her parents, out of pure panic the girl shoved Kei onto the floor hoping they couldn't see him past the small bushes.

"Yuri, you're late. Get inside." Her mother said. "You have your first tutoring session this weekend, I'll send you the information tomorrow."

"Are you leaving?" Yuri asked.

Both of her parents looked at her, shocked looks on their faces. "Yuri—"

"You finally say something," Her mother was humored. "Ten years of the silent treatment finally comes to an end. If you're looking to get out of your tutoring it's not going to work now get inside."

Kei looked up at the girl, he held her hand as she shifted, he could sense her real emotions the ones that she often supressed. She pulled away from him and headed inside. She wondered how they can act like nothing happened, maybe she didn't have to say anything and they could leave once again, now she understood that, that was the better option.

"Listen to your brother." Her father said but she passed him without a word. "Did you have to say all that?"

"She needs it." The woman smiled. "We can't let her go around not talking, it's bad etiquette and disrespectful. She even turned Kōshi against us."

It was silent until the car doors closed and the car pulled out, they drove past the boy leaving him alone in the dark. He got up and snuck into the girl's room, she wasn't there, but she had clearly been there leaving her school bag on her desk and her slippers gone. Kei waited until she came back to the room, her hair wet and her eyes slightly red and puffy. He didn't expect to see her cry over them, especially after all they've done.


"She did it like it was a normal conversation." She said. "It's a waste of time."

"Then don't waste it on her." He pulled her into a hug and cupped her face.

He kissed her and she kissed him back, he walked her back into the door his fingers finding the lock and turning off the lights. She then pushed back until the bed met the back of his knees making him sit on the bed, the heat raising between the two. She climbed into his lap and buried her hands into his hair. His own hands trailed down to her thighs and up only to give him the leverage and lay her on the bed.

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