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• Yuri's POV •

   I looked at my phone, getting messages from everyone wishing me a Merry Christmas, everyone but the person I wanted it from the most.
   It was Christmas morning and it was really putting me down not getting a message from Kōshi or my parents, as selfish and as horrible as they were I still wanted something. But that was quickly taken off my mind as a knock came from the door.

"Merry Christmas!" Emiko smiled holding a gift and a few other things.

'You didn't have too.'

"I know! But I really thought it would look good on you.. especially with tonight and work, it'll look amazing on you. Open it!"

'Thanks.' I opened the box to see a golden bracelet, it was beautiful but I couldn't accept it. 'I can't accept this, plus I didn't get you anything..'

"No worries. Keep it." She sets the dress down and unzips the bag. "Here's the dress, don't worry, Mr. Tsukishima approved it and I bought it so he won't charge you."

Now I have to pay you back. The silent girl thought to herself as she wrote. 'Thanks, for everything.'

"Yep!" She pulls me into the bathroom where she gets out my make up and hair stuff. "You know this is the first time a girl my age will be attending this kind of event, usually parents leave their kids at home."

'Well, I'm happy to come along. Hopefully you and I can hangout together most of the night.'

"Still awkward with Tsuki?" I nod. "Just tell his mom, his dad already knows."

'His mom is nice and I don't want him to know yet, not that I care what he would think or anything.'

She looked at me and smiles. "You're cute. He would freak out about you living alone and he would also hate that you asked his dad for help instead of him."

'You know him pretty well.'

"Yeah well, you were all he ever talked about... even if he calls you mean names, I know he loves you."

I fiddled with my pencil, I knew she was right but I chose to stay quiet as she helped me get ready. She also got ready here with me, gossiping a bit as she was helping me remember things about people, important people.
When we finished getting ready, we got in her car and drove to Tsukishima's house. She was still givin me notes and showing me pictures of the people who I had to remember.

"Lastly Mrs. Tsukishima."

'I know her.'

"Yes, you know sweet, wife, and stay at home mom, Tsukishima."

'Don't tell me she's a stuck up bitch.'

"Umm.. well, she's a sweet woman but whatever she says, anything about her husband or her kids. You better agree."

"Mrs. Tsukishima?" Yuri asks, unable to believe that woman could have a bad side.

"Yeah, she's very proud of her family. She looks nice but really mean when people try her."

'Good to know.'

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