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Emiko looked out the window to see Tsukishima and Yuri walking to the vending machines. She envied the relationship that they had, at least what she saw, he was so loyal to her and she was to him. When they got back to Miyagi from their first meeting together, Tsukishima instantly went to see his girlfriend. It was late but he still went because they hadn't spoke through the whole day.

Imagine being right there with someone. Being unable to be apart for so long. She craved that sort of love.


"Sorry, what?" She looked at the girls.

"We asked if you wanted to come with us to the mall after school." One of them told her.

"I can't." She apologized. "Sorry, maybe this weekend."


They girl turned back to the window and saw Tsukishima scolding the girl for something but then they were ambushed by an even shorter boy and a bald one.

"Do you know who those are with Suga-chan and Tsukishima?" She asked pointing down.

"Uh... two volleyball club members." A girl replied as they looked over. "The short one is Nishinoya and the other one is Tanaka."

"Right, she's a manager with Yachi." Emiko smiled. "She's pretty popular huh?"

"Not compared to you!" One of the girls reassured her.

She smiled and looked back the short one was messing with Tsukishima. She glanced at Yuri who pulled the boy off and pulled Tsukishima away, more envy towards the couple.


   "Did you?" Kei asked.

   'Not yet. It's hard to bring up.' She replied.

   "So you will lie." He smirked.

'No, just a few days and I'll ask him.'

Before being interrupted by the two annoying second years the two had discussed a few topics, one of them being the asking of permission from Kōshi so they could go to Tokyo.

"You can tell him it's for Yamaguchi."

   She wrote quickly on her notepad. As she did so they continued to walk down the hall, he was watching out for her as she was writing, moving her aside if needed. But as he expected someone bumped into her, the pencil slid across the paper leaving a long line over what she was writing. Kei and Yuri glanced over to see the student laugh, they both walked away and Yuri started erasing the line, finishing the note.

   The bell rang and she handed it to Kei before walking away in the direction of her class. He wanted to run over and steal a kiss but there were so many students in the halls, he left it and headed back to class. Walking back he saw the boy who bumped into Yuri, he was finishing up his drink and still laughing with his friends.

   "She's pretty but her voice must sound like a whale or some old hag." They all laughed.

   Kei bumped into him, the boy squeezed the drink over himself, Kei pulled him into the bathroom and closed the door.

   "Hey get off—" He looked up at Kei and instantly realized who he was. "Oh.."

   "When you bump into someone you apologize. Whether they chose to forgive you is up to them." Kei spoke.

   "She clearly didn't care, she never does that's what makes her easy, huh?" The boy smirked at Kei insinuating something more sexual.

   His blood boiled and he grabbed him from the front of his uniform, watching as the guy's eyes filled with fear. The blond thought further ahead instead of being reckless, he knew better, especially growing up watching over the silent girl and doing what he could to protect her.
He smirked down at the boy, yet his hands still clutched at the shirt as the guy's eyes filled with fear.

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