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He left soft kisses on her lips trailing down to her neck, the sound of crickets filled the dark room along with the small praises he was whispering to her. Kei had snuck out of his own house and right in to hers, sneaking up her window was as easy as going through the front door, if he didn't want to get caught and kicked out.
   He had been practicing his volleyball with some of the Neighborhood associates and after that he would meet with Ena to study everything he possibly could, then he went home and worked on numbers or things like that for the company. It was already three in the morning but he didn't care and she also didn't care.

   "We have school tomorrow." Yuri whispered.

   He chuckled and laid on top of her, putting all his weight over her. She pushed his shoulders gripping them as she was being crushed underneath him. Yuri finally got him to move down so his weight wasn't killing her. After that she pulled his glasses off to make the position more comfortable and he smiled into her neck.
Kei enjoyed laying there, in a way like that was the only place where he didn't have to worry about everything going around him. He didn't want to leave, his skin was against hers, her breathing matched his. They were the only two people in the world, no one could convince him otherwise.

   "I like it here." Kei whispered kissing her but then remembered the reason he showed up in the first place. "Oh, do you want to have dinner with my parents and I?"

   He moved off of her to lay next to her, she shifted and looked at him. She wanted to say no, never meet his father but she wasn't stupid, she knew the man would track her down and do who knows what to blackmail her into somehow going.


   She looked at him and nodded. "That sounds good." She smiled.

   He hummed and closed his eyes. "I need to go home."

   "Stay a little while longer." Yuri suggested.

    Not needing to be told twice, he stayed longer until she fell asleep and he snuck out, leaving a kiss on her forehead.


   The couple repeated the same routine through the week, neither of them complained except to warn each other of almost getting caught by Kōshi or Kei's mother who did actually catch her son sneaking back into the house. He lied and said he went out for an early morning jog before school.

   The club was quickly making it's way up to Nationals, after losing to Aoba Johsai they all wanted to prove to those guys that they were no longer the flightless crows.

   Yuri was alone in the locker rooms getting changed after practice had ended and everyone else was heading home. She was buttoning up her shirt when her phone went off, ignoring the message her mother sent her. The one about the math tutor that she hired. The silent girl had mostly forgotten about the entire one sided conversation that they had when they were back for a few days, she was forcing it away.


   "You're really failing math?" Her mother asked looking at her exam scores.

They had only been back for a day, just arriving as Yuri was sitting in the kitchen drinking tea by herself after a bath. She herself had been tired from the day and her parents suddenly arrival didn't help at all.

"I'll hire a tutor or something because you can't keep failing, especially in high school, you only have three years left, Yuri. Soon enough your college exams will be coming up and you don't want to fall behind your classmates."

   45. It was her math score, it was passing but not to her parents standards, they wanted at least 90's to be scored just like on her other subjects.

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