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ʚ|| Yuri's POV ||ɞ

We sat in the bus and I stared out the window trying to get the image of him under me out of my head but it was difficult to do. My heart would skip a beat every time I glanced at him but he never looked at me. He never even glanced at me. His golden eyes resting under the skin of his eyelids which only saved me from even more embarrassment.
When we got off the bus we went to our normal cafe, it wasn't modern or anything but it did look cute and cozy, the smell of coffee lingered in the air. We both ordered strawberry short cake and a drink, he got hot coffee and I got matcha, we both sat across from each other in a booth. The wait wasn't very long and we started eating in silence.

"What was that all about anyways?" Tsukki asked uninterested.

'The team was following us.' I quickly wrote down and cut into the dessert.

"Why?" He asked cocking an eyebrow and now looking at me.

You can't be that stupid? I picked up the notepad and wrote on it, he read it but I couldn't look at him 'I think, they think we're on a date.' I just wanted to leave so I tried to finish my cake.
He raised my chin to look at him, clearly leaving me shocked once again, since I was distracted he ate the piece of cake from my fork. I pulled away and he smirked that annoying smug smirk.
Neither of us talked as we ate but we did listen to the couples and the groups that came in. I glanced over at the couple that sat in a booth across from us, the girl was feeding her boyfriend as they spoke. I watched her smile brightly at him and I knew that I would never be able to do that. If that's what dating was like then I was not the right person to be in a relationship.

I felt the seat dip and looked over to see Tsukishima sitting next to me. He leaned over his breathing right over my lips. When did he get so close?! I slammed my eyes shut when he began to lean in but his lips never came, his thumb wiped the corner of my lip. Then he licked of the frosting from it.

"Maybe this is a date." He whispered, locking eyes. "Shoe shopping, cake, the park, almost fucking in a ball pit."

He began to eat the rest of the cake that sat on my plate, as if he didn't just say all of that! I watched him, the tall asshole. I knew he loved strawberry shortcake, that was his favorite sweet. Tsukki didn't like sweets but he could eat strawberry short cake everyday for weeks on end, that and his interest in dinosaurs. Not talking had it's perks since he often talked about what he liked and Yams talked a lot about him too.
   My face heated up and I looked away. As I looked out the window I caught a glance of Hinata being tackled down by Nishinoya and Tanaka.

   "Are you okay?" Tsukishima asked.

   I nodded and rested my head on my crossed arms over the table. He contined to eat but I was finally tired, my social battery was now drained and I wanted to go home. I glanced up at him feeling terrible, it was only three in the afternoon.
   I wish I had more stamina for this kind of thing, even at school I had more stamina than this. It was more the going out of my comfort zone.

   "Ready to go?" He asked and I nodded. "Well, You lasted much longer than I expected." I rolled my eyes at him.

   'You're an asshole.' He chuckled and started walking away.

⇉ ⇉ ⇉ ⇉ ⇉ ⇉

'Thank you for dragging me out.' I wrote, now standing outside of my house.

   "See you tomorrow." Tsukki replied turning to leave.

I felt my heart speed up, I needed to know if this was really a date or is he was just teasing me. Date. What do people do after their first date? Invite him in. I wrote on my notepad and grabbed onto his wrist making him turn to me. 'Come study with me.' I pulled him inside with me.

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